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What’s the covid jab doing to the brain?

What’s the covid jab doing to the brain?

A year ago, on 13th December 2021, I explained why I feared that those had received the covid-19 jab might suffer brain damage.

That fear was real. I now believe that many of those who have been jabbed with the toxic covid-19 junk are brain damaged. I believe their brain damage explains their seemingly bizarre behaviour.

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By Dr. Vernon Coleman

It has been established that there is much that no one yet knows about the covid-19 jabs. The eagerness of the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency in the UK to licence a product about which information appeared to be lacking has never been adequately explained. We do know however that, as I was the first to reveal, the MHRA received a huge sum of money from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – which has financial links with jab producers such as Pfizer.

As far as the effect on the brain is concerned the big question is, can the lipid nanoparticles carry the mRNA jab across the blood brain barrier?

The blood brain barrier is a semi permeable barrier of cells which prevent some substances in the blood from crossing into the protective fluid around the central nervous system.

It is vital to know if this happens because if it does then all bets are off as to what might happen to the brain.

And after all, liquid nanoparticles are already used to deliver other drugs across the blood brain barrier.

If the LNPs carry the mRNA jab into the brain then the neurons, the brain cells, might be marked as foreign by the body’s immune system. And as more booster jabs are given the problem will get worse.

The worry is that brain cells might be targeted and killed by cytotoxic T cells.

It has now been established that mRNA has been found in all human tissues except the kidney. It has been found in heart, lung, liver, testicles – and brain. A Japanese study, for example, showed that the vaccine does end up in the brain.

Also worrying is the fact that researchers have called for studies to investigate any relationship between jabs and acute CNS demyelination.

How much damage will this do?

How long will it take before brain damage can be identified?

I don’t have the foggiest idea.

And nor does anyone else.

In a normal experiment with a new drug, doctors would be looking and checking all the possible problems before releasing the drug for widespread use.

But the covid-19 jabs are being rolled out to billions without anyone having the faintest idea what will happen.

If you have been jabbed, the first certainty seems to be that the mRNA vaccine will enter your brain.

The second certainty is that the more covid jabs you have, the more dangerous this will be.

How many of your brain cells will die is something only time will tell. And children, of course, will be more vulnerable because they are more vulnerable anyway and because they are likely to live longer.

Some experts, advisors and regulators will tell you that the risks are small. But how can they know that? And what is small? They told us that the blood clotting problems were small.

In my view, having one of these jabs is the equivalent of taking a huge dose of LSD and waiting to see what happens. And hoping that you’re not going to end up like Peter Green for example.

And, remember, the covid-19 jabs don’t stop you getting covid-19 and they don’t stop you passing it on. According to the NHS’s own guidelines in the UK you can still get or spread covid-19 even if you have had three jabs.

The choice about whether or not to be jabbed should be yours.

But governments want to make these jabs compulsory.

And doctors, who ought to be ashamed, have now been bribed to inject this junk into babies and infants – who cannot possibly give their consent to taking part in this Mengelian experiment.

You can find links to more information on my websites: and

If this jab were being given for a lethal disease with a 50% mortality rate then the risks might be worth taking. It’s not and they’re not.

Everyone still promoting and giving the covid-19 jab should be regarded as a criminal.

Vernon Coleman’s book Endgame explains what has been happening and where we are heading. Endgame is available from Amazon as a paperback and an eBook.

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