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When You Buy Clothes You Can Help Plant Trees & Feed Starving Children

Have you ever stopped to think about just how much money is spent on advertising? I bet the answer would surprise you.In the U.S.

When You Buy Clothes You Can Help Plant Trees & Feed Starving Children

. alone, over 100 Billion dollars is spent on advertising each year, and that number is increasing. I don’t know about you, but that seems like an epic waste of money to me — especially when you consider that there are a lot more important things going on in the world which could benefit from that kind of funding. Yes, advertising does serve a purpose (though more often than not, that purpose is to convince you to buy things that you don’t even really need), since sometimes it can be used to call your attention to things that are important and do matter. More and more people are starting to see through this façade and are beginning to make smarter, more conscious decisions about where they choose to spend their money and what type of companies they support. If this sounds like you, then you are going to love what this new clothing startup is planning on doing with all of the money that would normally be put towards advertising... Ch∞se is not just a fashion brand, and while it can’t change the world, you can. By choosing Ch∞se clothing, at no additional cost to you, you are supporting efforts to plant more trees, feed starving children, and provide water to those in need. Instead of relying on advertisements to sell their products, they rest on the collective good will of the citizens of this Earth to make a conscious consumer choice. Because this company has absolutely $0 for advertising, they are relying on you to help them spread the word. Visit their Indiegogo campaign, where you can donate directly and purchase an article of clothing or jewelry, or help out by just sharing their campaign; for every 10 shares 1 tree will be planted. For example, according to Ch∞se Clothing, the purchase of... Making their business ethos even more appealing is the fact that they hire villagers from impoverished nations to plant the trees, enabling these workers to earn an income for themselves and their families. Each product is marked with a unique serial number where you can directly track what your purchase was able accomplish, where your money went, and how it helped. This is another great example of how we, as consumers, can make a huge difference in the world, just by voting with our dollars and supporting companies that are in alignment with what we want for our planet and all of the inhabitants and life on it. It is important to remember that we do have the power to create the type of world we want to live in. Support this project now!–2#/ Much Love .

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