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When You’re Feeling Like Crap, Don’t Personalize It!

Sometimes when we are feeling like crap, we make the stories we tell ourselves very personal and thus make it part of who we are.

When You’re Feeling Like Crap, Don’t Personalize It!

We have the ability to see past this and instead see the reason why we are feeling this way. Why do we give so much power to the stories we tell ourselves? Why do we get so stuck in victim states all the time? Keep on practising, stay patient and know that there is information in our feelings about what we need to reflect on. We all go through moments of feeling down, when you’re in it, try not to personalize it. When you personalize you grab onto the pain and linger on it; you keep mulling the thought over and over in your head. You can’t make the distance shorter but you can move through it faster. So push to get to the worst feeling as quick as possible – the relief lies beyond that.

The down periods will never go away; you need to let go of that idea. You just get better at managing it all. You have to get better at managing it: you get a bigger empath load as you progress to a higher vibration. This is why the lows are still so low even though you’ve shifted so much and grown so much; you’re pulling bigger volumes of energy to shift from the morphic field.

The reason it feels like you’re rehashing the same stuff? They send you loads of whatever energies you’re already good at shifting... so the stuff you’ve already previously let go of and shifted. That’s the stuff that should be easy for you to shift because you’ve faced the personalized layer where the examples cause you pain. If you hear about someone cheating, you listen with interest maybe. But if you think of yourself in their shoes (personalize), or draw on your own past painful example, then you immediately feel the fear and pain. Try it... let’s say someone was cold last night, maybe they froze to death. You feel some empathy sure. But if I say it’s YOUR child that froze to death...? Even the words shocked you. You may give a passing thought to the cold homeless people, but if your child was lost outside on a freezing night, you’d get no sleep. You wouldn’t be able to think about anything else in fact. It’s only EMOTIONALLY relevant to you when you attach a personal example or story and attach it to the people in your life. If you want to break this cycle permanently, you need to train yourself to find higher level lessons in your shifts – when you find the higher lesson, the need for the lower lessons fall away. So an example is realising you’re not accepted by people unless you behave the way they want you to and give them what they want. On a personal level, this hurts, because it’s a reminder of your loneliness, isolation, lack of worth etc. It’s a reminder that people don’t want what you have to offer as you; they really only use you for what they can get. Stings hey? However cycle that up to a god level lesson (how God views man), and it becomes the pattern of how people treat gods.

They only turn to the gods when they need something or want something, using God like a servant, to fetch and carry. Basically, this is the way everyone treats divine beings by default – and this behavior is just a standard human behavior. If it’s just normal behavior, then it’s not being done to you, it’s just happening around you. You have a choice about how you look at any lesson, and where you choose to focus. So for today try to cycle your lessons up... see if you can spot how man treats god through the view of ego, or how god views man without any ego or attachment to physical life. In the mirrors tools, mirrors 6, 7, 8 9 deal with soul, balance, dark and cosmos. Those are all higher vibration lessons. Free mirrors tools at: Look for recursions from the creation story ( ) or play the game of trying to guess who else around you has similar – or worse – challenges to face. Remind yourself of what you have, right now. Are your needs taken care of right now? Do you have a roof over your head? Food? Clothes? Yes? Then all is good. And even if the answer is no, find something to be grateful for and hold onto that. No matter how crap you’ve felt in the past, it’s always turned. In fact, that’s exactly why you’re looking for a way out... you know it’s possible to feel different. This will pass – all you have to do is survive a few days of feeling crappy, and remember not to turn into a serial killer. This is why it’s us... they can send us this level of pain and we stay good people. We don’t become serial killers or perpetuate pain. So just ask for help to accept what you’re shifting and surrender to the process. Call on your guides and angels for help. Here are a few different options for surrender processes: Even at my level, these periods still hit me.

The difference now is how I handle them. I stay patient and accept it will pass. I look for global energies and patterns in those around me. I don’t personalize or linger and if anything is stuck in my inner voice I mirror it out straight away. I ask for help all the time. I don’t rush in and start anything – I force myself to plan first so that I’m sure of the idea and I don’t waste time creating something half-baked or that I won’t use, or that I feel guilty about.

The only thing that’s changed is how I behave inside a shift. Yes shifting shifts the energies, but you have to learn tools and change your habits and behaviors as well. At the end you’re going to realise that the key is the moment you took control... you may as well take control now and prevent yourself all this unnecessary pain and suffering. Sometimes circumstances suck... but that doesn’t mean you have to suffer. You always have a choice about that. Hang in there. This period has to be over soon.... they’re never longer than two or three weeks. If you’re already stuck on something, the fastest way out is to push through and find your way to the bottom of the ego death – .

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