Who Lucifer Actually Is & Why They Are Here (Part 4: Selling Your Soul)
According to Hidden-Hand, there is a big distinction between the extraterrestrial bloodlines (Lucifer's group soul) and human bloodlines (the 'Illuminati').

Members of Illuminati families have a soul contract with Lucifer to maintain negativity here. What does it mean to 'sell your soul to Lucifer'? Does it make a difference if one has a pre-existing soul contract with Lucifer? (Note: If you have not read the first three instalments of this article, I would highly recommend that you first read Who Lucifer Actually Is & Why They Are Here (Part 1), (Part 2: Bloodline Families) and (Part 3: The Harvest), because they provide an essential context for the discussion here.) Where the rubber hits the road in this discussion about Lucifer is what his true impact is on us as human beings. Is he the bringer of knowledge and enlightenment to us in our quest to evolve? Or is he the cunning enticer who would drag much of humanity down into a well of iniquity? Let’s continue to examine the testimony of Hidden-Hand to see what it reveals. As discussed previously, Lucifer was mandated to introduce evil to the human population by providing a ‘choice’ in the garden of Eden between obedience and disobedience. It was only after this initial choice had been made, however, that it became mandated that Lucifer would incarnate as individual souls to rule the planet: Now that Free Will had been granted, Yahweh could not retract it, and we have to stay here as contracted to continue to provide the planet with the Polarity choice. Since then, Yahweh has confined us (as a Group Soul) here within the Earth’s Astral Planes (which is very constricting and uncomfortable for a Being of our Wisdom and experience).
The Council of Elders gave us the choice to be released (against Yahweh’s will), but at the cancellation of our contract to Serve the planet earth; or to remain and fulfill our assignment, and endure Yahweh’s self proclaimed “Wrath”. We stayed, but as a karmic result of our Group Soul’s confinement by Yahweh, our own individuated Souls were given the mandate (by The Council) to “Rule” over Yahweh’s people during our physical incarnations here on your planet. Those ‘individuated Souls’ of the group soul Lucifer, which incarnate through ‘extraterrestrial’ bloodlines, need to be distinguished from the human bloodlines. This is in order to clarify what it means to ‘sell your soul’ to Lucifer.
The ‘Extraterrestrial Bloodlines’ consists, quite simply, of the individuated souls of the group soul Lucifer, which as a whole is known as the ‘Family’. Hidden-Hand introduces himself as a ‘generational member,’ which he explains as follows: It means that one is born into the Family.
The Order and its agenda is handed down, from generation to generation. Only in extremely rare occasions, have outsiders been invested into the Family, and then, even these were of other ‘esoterically’ integrable lines. I presume, though I am not certain, that he means that there are on rare occasions souls who incarnate into the Family who are not part of the group soul Lucifer, but who nonetheless have enough compatibility with that group soul to participate in the agenda. For the purposes of clarity, though, the core power of the ‘Family’ is the group soul Lucifer. And, as Hidden-Hand points out in the following answer to a question, it’s a pretty ‘tight’ family: Questioner: To what extent has selective breeding been used to preserve the purity of the line? Hidden-Hand: The breeding is generally case specific, dependent upon the role that the Family members in question are due to grow into.
There are no unapproved unions. Our Family will always intermarry between lines, or, what we would term ‘Houses’. Marriages are arranged. In all my years alive, I have never seen or heard of a Family member breaking this code, as far as marriage goes. You do as you are told. One cannot ‘join’ the Family. One is ‘born’, or incarnated into it.
The whole idea that ruling bloodlines have been running our planet since antiquity is hard to fathom for many.
The very feasibility that something like this could be happening without it being common knowledge is the source of this next questioner’s skepticism: Questioner: If this really existed there would be countless thousands of people involved, and any one person could leak. Hidden-Hand: Thousands? Try Millions. And you have no possible comprehension of the rigorous training and the harshness of the conditioning we undergo from an early age. No one dares to go against the Family. We know what would happen if we did. But that is not the prime motivator.
The motivator is unbridled Loyalty to the Family, and our Creator. We understand the importance of what we are doing here, even though most of humanity does not. If we take Hidden Hand at his word, then we accept that MILLIONS of individuals on our planet work together in a coordinated effort to control and govern the rest of us. By coordinated, I would refer to what we hear from Hidden-Hand that there are local cell groups of families all over the world that are governed by a hierarchy of councils that range from local to regional, national, and global. As with most hierarchies, knowledge of the entire operation and its true purpose increases as one rises up. Hidden-Hand makes the distinction here about where the human bloodlines end in the hierarchy and where the extraterrestrial bloodlines begin: Then you have the Supreme World Council above them all, with the National Leaders representing their Countries. Above this, is another group I cannot mention, who liaise with the “Hidden Hands”.
Then above this, there are many other levels of Leadership, purely from the Power Lines (the ones that are not of this planet).
The Supreme World Council only know as much as is “Handed” down to them from us. In our Power Lines, we have a similar structure, with Local and Regional groups etc, though most of us are living in entirely ‘different’ types of communities than you would understand. All I shall say is that we are not “surface dwellers”. That last point certainly is enticing. It implies that the entire group soul of Lucifer does not live amongst humans on the surface of the planet. Do they live in hidden bases underground? Cloaked in the air? Do they transport to a different planet? A different dimension? Interesting questions, but not fundamental to our conversation here. What is important is to note that the extraterrestrial bloodlines are only really in contact with the highest levels of the human bloodlines, calling the shots, delivering information as needed to those below, being true ‘hidden hands’ of influence, as it were.
There is much that Hidden-Hand disclosed that distinguished the Extraterrestrial Bloodlines from the Human Bloodlines, which would be populated by individuated souls that are part of Yahweh’s group soul. Questioner: Are these bloodlines the wealthy, as most assume, or seemingly ordinary people (including celebrities and politicians, etc), blending in with society, going relatively unnoticed, but yet contributing to your cause in the grander scheme of things? Hidden-Hand: The names you know, have no real power. Sure, they “appear” to have lots of power, in the way earthbound souls perceive power. Our wealth makes the million and billionaire “celebs” and corporate bigwigs look like a child’s pocket money. Our wealth is Family wealth, which has passed down through the generations over thousands of years. True wealth however, is knowing deep in your heart, that you and your Infinite Creator, are One. “Seek ye first the Kingdom of ‘God’ (Infinite Creator), and all these things shall be added unto you”. Questioner: So part of this question could also be, are all of them aware they are part of this bloodline, or are some members oblivious to this connection they have? Are they informed of this at a particular age? For example, how and at what age were you told you belonged? Hidden-Hand: Yes. If you are Bloodline (Family), you are born into it, and you are raised this way, from birth.
There is no other way. I want to be clear on this Bloodline issue.
The ones you know, they are of earthly lineage. Yes, they have their place in the Family, but the Real Power lines, do not originate from this planet.
The human bloodlines, then, also seem to have a rigorous upbringing that fosters absolute loyalty to the family.
The training and structure for the human bloodlines lead in the discussion about the history of the Illuminati, the Knight’s Templar, the Freemasons, and other such secret societies. Perhaps these societies were founded by the Lucifer group soul or perhaps they were co-opted by them.
There seems to be a very substantial structure in place, which uses both fear and an inbred sense of purpose and loyalty, that prevents many of the secrets of these societies from coming out into the open. One exception to that rule is with a person named ‘Svali,’ who broke away from the group she identifies as ‘the Illuminati’ and became a whistleblower of a significant amount of information. Hidden-Hand’s direct comments on her case demonstrate how the human bloodlines do not actually have the same ‘motivation’ for their actions as the extraterrestrial bloodlines. Questioner: Do people ever try to leave the family? I asked you to comment on the case of one “Svali” in an earlier post. I am still curious if she was one of you or your extended family, or is she just a mis/disinfo agent. Hidden-Hand: I am aware of her, yes. I’ve not looked at her supposed “revelations” personally, though heard enough from others in my Family. Yes, she was a part of the Family, at the lower levels, from the German Lines I believe. As I understand, she did reveal a lot of truth about the lower levels, but she was only Regional Level in the Earth Lines, so not that high. She certainly would not have had anything like the “bigger picture”. I understand that she went into detail about some of the training techniques in the lower levels, which to be fair, can be extremely harsh, though as I’ve said, it’s all about reaching the 95% negativity, and when all is said and done, no matter how much one may have suffered in this life-experience, we can never lose sight of the fact that this is a game we are all playing here together, and each incarnating soul has already chosen and agreed in advance the parts they will play in the game. No one really suffers, except in the game, and ultimately, they have chosen these experiences before hand, at a Soul level. No one is ‘forced’ to incarnate into a storyline they do not want to play and learn from.
The German House is renowned for being particularly harsh and severe in it’s training, so much of what she shares may have happened, though my Family have also said that unless her “trainers” were acting “out of protocol” (abusing their power) much of what she ‘revealed’ would not have happened, or has been embellished to some degree, for whatever reason. I cannot comment myself, as I’ve had neither the time or inclination to examine her story.
The world of my own Family is very different from that of the lower Earth based bloodlines. Whilst our (my own) training growing up was very strict and disciplined, we were never abused in any way. We grew up with the bigger picture, and didn’t need any other motivation.
The Earth lines are not aware of the entire picture.
They themselves are not of our Lucifer Group Soul, and as far as they are aware, they are out to ‘rule the world’, to Control and Enslave, and create as much suffering and negativity as is humanly possible. That’s what they ‘get out of the deal’. World domination. You’d have to say with that in mind, they’re doing a great job. But one of the things they don’t know or understand, is that our (Venusian Power Lines) agenda, is ultimately for the Highest Good of all concerned, in providing you with the Catalyst. If they were aware of this Truth, there is a slight risk that they would not have done their jobs properly, and they would miss out on joining us in our 95% Negative Harvest.
They are aware of the Harvest, and the need for them to attain the 95%, to get out of 3rd density, and that is all the motivation they need to help us achieve our ultimate aims. How they go about it, is not really of too great a concern to us, as long as they are getting the job done. Sometimes we have to step in, where something they may do or plan goes against our desires, but such instances are few and far between.
The actual testimony of Svali is fascinating and worth examining in greater detail, and perhaps we will do so in a later article. For now, Hidden-Hand continues to put things in the context that at a soul level all of us agreed to the parts that we play in the Game. In essence, this means that the human bloodlines are constructed of millions of people who, at a soul level, wanted to participate in the negative polarity of the ascension process, but as human beings, are not consciously aware that they are doing this for the benefit of humanity in the way that the Luciferian group soul is. If it is the case that the human (let’s call them ‘Illuminati’) bloodlines are set up to be motivated by power, wealth, and world domination, can it be said that they have ‘sold their souls to Lucifer’? These people have been indoctrinated since birth, and if the testimony of Svali is any indication, it is extremely difficult and rare for someone in the human bloodlines to make the ‘choice’ of leaving their family. Yes, at a soul level they chose to join Lucifer to support negativity; but having been subjected to severe indoctrination in this life, it’s a matter of debate as to whether or not they have ‘sold their souls.’ But what about the case of humans who did not go through this indoctrination? I’m talking about people whose purpose here was to ascend positively, but got completely lured into the web of negativity on the strength of their desires for power, wealth, and pleasure. This is perhaps where a human being can truly be said to have ‘sold their soul to the Lucifer,’ as they have actually chosen ego desires and a service-to-self orientation in contradiction to their soul’s purpose. As I discuss in the article ‘Why Do The Elites Participate In Child Sacrifice At Bohemian Grove?‘, it would seem that ‘selling one’s soul to Lucifer’ involves a willingness to be slowly lured in rituals like the ‘Cremation of Care’ and other acts of depravity that sever all emotional connection to other human beings, and remove all empathy, care, conscience and sense of morality. This, it seems, not only garners the worldly ‘support’ of the entire cult, it prepares a person mentally and emotionally for their unbridled pursuit of worldly power, fame and wealth. In the context of Hidden-Hand’s testimony, selling one’s soul does not imply that one’s soul becomes the permanent property of Lucifer; it means that that one is bound to the ‘Negative Ascension,’ which involves going to a 4th Density ‘Negative’ planet to work out one’s karma. Of course in many ways this experience can be considered a ‘hell’, especially for those souls who have less understanding of the process than the individuated Lucifer souls, and likely will face a tremendous amount of suffering and hard work.
There is much more to examine surrounding the esoteric body of knowledge that informs these bloodlines to ‘create as much suffering and Negativity as is humanly possible,’ and has the potency to lure outsiders into the cult. Is this body of knowledge what is known as Luciferianism, which there is so much contentious debate about these days? Let’s build on what we’ve found out here to try to address this in the next installment.
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