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Why are so many Children Dying Suddenly all across Europe?

Data quietly published by a host of countries across Europe reveals that excess deaths among children are still occurring at an alarming rate as we enter the spring of 2024.

Why are so many Children Dying Suddenly all across Europe?

The deaths cannot be blamed on COVID-19 because the data has proven the alleged virus and disease rarely harms children, if at all.

Before this. excess deaths among children among children were in negative figures. With the year 2020, the height of the alleged pandemic, seeing 726 fewer deaths than expected among children aged 0 to 14 in a host of countries across Europe, including the UK, Germany, Spain, France, Italy etc. according to EuroMOMO.

This strongly suggests the COVID-19 vaccines are to blame for so many children dying suddenly ever since the injections were needlessly offered to them.

The trend of negative excess deaths among children continued in 2021 up to week 21 with -399 fewer deaths than expected.

But that trend was halted as soon as the European Medicines Agency extended Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) of the COVID-19 vaccines to children.

Since then, excess deaths among children across Europe have continued to rise.

With 533 recorded between weeks 22 and 52 of the year 2021 –

A shocking 1,068 excess deaths recorded in 2022 –

A further 669 excess deaths were recorded among children in 2023 –

And 331 excess deaths were recorded up to week 13 of 2024 –

So it seems plain and obvious that the COVID-19 vaccines are to blame for so many children dying suddenly.

Read the full article at the original website


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