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Why Do We Hold Onto Opinions Of Other People?

Human beings are opinionated.We go out to eat at a restaurant and we cannot help but develop an opinion of that restaurant – the food, the service, the atmosphere, etc..

Why Do We Hold Onto Opinions Of Other People?

. Once our opinion is formulated, we then use it as the basis for any future decisions relating to that restaurant, such as whether or not to go there again, or whether we choose to recommend it to a friend. In many ways, our ability to develop an opinion can be quite helpful. It helps us navigate through life by avoiding redundancy and allows us to surround ourselves with what we enjoy more often. However, in some cases our opinions can also become quite limiting to our experience, particularly when we choose to hold onto them for extended periods of time. Sticking with the restaurant analogy, how many times have you later gone to a restaurant you once held a negative opinion towards and were surprised by how much you enjoyed it? Everything has the ability to change in this world, people and their opinions included, so why not maintain an open mind and give everything the benefit of the doubt? Things aren’t always as we remember them. We discuss this exact topic in the latest episode of our new YouTube series ‘These Guys.” We discuss some of the potential reasons for why we love to hold onto particular opinions, the downsides to doing this, and an alternative way to formulate opinions. Check it out: Be sure to check out our previous episodes from season 1 of ‘These Guys’ Why Are We So Mean To Each Other On The Internet? Why We Fail So Often At Making Lifestyle Changes Is Life Meant To Be Serious? Why Do We Care So Much About What Others Think? .

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