Why The Yellow Vests Movement Could Erupt Into A Modern-Day French Revolution

Journalist Luke Rudkowski is on the ground in Paris, France, and conducts an interview about the Yellow Vests Movement that gives us a very different picture than the one portrayed by Mainstream Media. Could this movement be where the rubber is hitting the road in our global awakening? History tells us that the people of France have a tipping point beyond which they are no longer willing to put up with the oppression and enslavement of the ruling class. Such was famously the case a little over two centuries ago. As the 18th century drew to a close, not only were the royal coffers of King Louis XVI depleted, but two decades of poor harvests, drought, cattle disease and skyrocketing bread prices had kindled unrest among peasants and the urban poor. Many expressed their desperation and resentment toward a regime that imposed heavy taxes–yet failed to provide any relief–by rioting, looting and striking. During this period, French citizens razed and redesigned their country’s political landscape, uprooting centuries-old institutions such as absolute monarchy and the feudal system.
The French Revolution played a critical role in shaping nations by showing the world the power inherent in the will of the people. And there are signs that the current uprising in France may be set to have a similar impact, albeit in a modern context. Rather than fighting against an absolute monarchy, whose head was well known an therefore was vulnerable to the immediate impact of the guillotine, today the people of France are fighting against a power that is not as visible, but one that they are coming to understand more and more as a hidden global elite, for whom the political heads of state are mere puppets. In a recent video interview (embedded down below) from on the ground in Paris, France, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange spoke to a well-informed anonymous citizen discussing the fact that Mainstream Media is doing what it can to minimize the size and seriousness of the Yellow Vests Movement. This citizen seems to capture the real mood and motivation of the Yellow Vests Movement, and here discusses its origins and the reason it has continued to grow: Yes, it was about the tax on cars and fuel, but, it was just the tipping point of something much bigger. Essentially everything that happened during the Macron government since the beginning–but it’s not about Macron, it’s about 40 years of destruction of these public domains, the banking sector taking over the country, and people are feeling it not just in their wallets, but they are feeling it in their neighborhoods, their grandmother, their sisters, their baker, everyone is talking about it since many years. What really triggered all of this is first of all Macron’s rhetoric, because he has really a way of talking which is extremely aggressive towards people who are working who are fed up with having to cross the red line on the bank account every second month and not being able to pay for simple things like for their children for Christmas, but it’s, I think we are getting to a laser effect which is everything is coming together into a single point and it’s not about right wing with Antifa’s and whatever, getting into violent games, it’s much bigger. Like I’ve seen people throwing rocks at policemen you would never expect this kind of people to do this in their life, it’s because they’re really getting insulted on a daily basis for what they’re doing and now I guess they have crossed the line and this line will never get back–never. Rudkowski himself admits that in talking with people in the street, taxi drivers, and the like, that everybody is very much engaged in this movement. It is supported by an overwhelming majority, and it doesn’t look it is going to stop until major changes have been effected. Macron’s offer to ‘suspend’ the gasoline tax for six months has been considered an insult to a people who are clearly fed up and awakening to all the tactics that used to work.
The anonymous commentator seemed very clear that this was not just about France, that this was a plight undoubtedly shared by all the nations of the European Union and beyond. And he also echoes the sentiment being held by a growing number of awakening citizens that the time for change is NOW. It’s a movement that hopefully will reach the world, basically, because it’s not about the French population, I can imagine it’s basically everywhere in Europe, it’s basically also in the United States. We can do it very differently but people have to stop looking at TV and stop thinking that revolution will come one day–it’s NOW, first of all–and they have to, also, think about: what can we ‘think through’ in terms of solution right now, and not tomorrow, in order to make sure that the banking system is not going to contract the nation states, because I guess the crisis is going to get bigger by the next months, we’ve seen it just the past days, and what I, personally, in my opinion expect in the next days is that France will be different in about two weeks: a different government, a different situation. My fear is that the violence will be used in order to push for Marshal Laws, but the military here in France, I think, they will never accept it, they don’t want to go after their own people. Even the policemen, they’re getting really tired of being thrown into these violent games, that, you know, these are people, normal people, they know why it’s happening because they also feel it in their own life, they’re not getting paid, they’re not getting their dignity. This last point is very important, as was highlighted in my previous article ‘Breaking: Watch French Police Officers Remove Their Helmets In Solidarity With The People.’ Law enforcement and even the military, the physical muscle that the global elite rely on, are starting to awaken to the situation themselves.
They are starting to identify more with the people than the superiors who are giving them orders to do things they no longer believe in. Without the backing of these forces, the global elite is in a very precarious position indeed. Certainly, this global elite has been able to stay out of harm’s way for so long because people used to believe the cleverly crafted charade that the politicians were the ones making all the decisions. This has all changed now, as our anonymous commentator points out: So, I think it’s a trigger, it can be very global and very short time period. But it has to be clear: the real enemy is not the politicians as such, it’s really what’s controlling them. People here in France are starting to say it out loud on TV, with millions of people looking at TV, which is very new, there was a huge censorship, and now it’s getting out that, you know, Macron is not the main controller of his population. He receives orders from outside. People kind of knew it but now it’s being said, it’s been said out loud, which is very new, something totally new. This exposure is being driven in large by citizen journalists like interviewer Luke Rudkowski who, because of technology, the internet and social media, are able to participate in the reporting and commentating on the events of the day. And in turn, they are giving voice to citizens on the ground to give us a truer picture of what’s going down on the ground. Our anonymous citizen captures what is being felt by everyday people who now feel that they have a voice and media allies who will tell their story: Citizen: People are now being called to explain what they have in their hearts, which is exactly what they [Global Elite] didn’t want to have. And that’s exactly why the yellow vests started, it started because the color yellow, it’s like, you know, if you want to be heard, if you want to be seen in the streets, then you take yellow, that’s the way. My view is that it had to happen anyway. Whatever people are saying, it had to happen. It’s not really controlled, it’s completely organic, it’s totally new for the people who are in power now, they didn’t expect anything of this to happen. Luke: I didn’t expect it to happen. I mean I was here when people were cheering on for Macron when he was elected. And again a lot of–you could just feel it–like, the people I talked to, just arriving here, the people leaving here, the people in the taxis, the people in the streets, the few that I talked to here, they’re feeling something major is happening here, the yellow vest movement has 80% support amongst the people and it truly looks like this will be and it feels like this will lead to the ouster of at least Macron, and even bigger political changes, and it looks like it’s definitely going to get a lot more turbulent before it gets calmer here in Paris, France. The role of conscious media has never been more integral to what is happening in our world. Journalists like Luke Rudkowski are participating not only in bringing people information the Mainstream Media is trying to keep hidden, they are also fueling the breadth and scope of these new movements themselves by allowing more citizens across the globe to become more involved based on a clearer understanding of what is going on.
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