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Why 'Unbalanced' Muscles Cause Pain

Why 'Unbalanced' Muscles Cause Pain

What is the primary benefit of photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy for dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD)?

  • It eliminates the need for dietary supplements
  • It targets abnormal blood vessel growth
  • It improves mitochondrial function and visual acuity

    Photobiomodulation therapy uses specific wavelengths of light to target mitochondria, enhancing ATP production and reducing oxidative stress, which improves retinal cell function and visual acuity. Learn more.

  • It reverses all forms of vision loss

Photobiomodulation therapy uses specific wavelengths of light to target mitochondria, enhancing ATP production and reducing oxidative stress, which improves retinal cell function and visual acuity. Learn more.

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