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Why You Probably Don’t Need The Flu Shot

As it turns out the flu is not a season.

Why You Probably Don’t Need The Flu Shot

People generally tend to get sicker when the weather gets cooler, this is true, but does it have to happen? Is there a predisposition for everyone to get sick at this time no matter what they do or how well their immune systems are working? Is the vaccine the only way to truly prevent getting the flu? Let’s have a look at some of the key factors that are causing the flu.

There are a few main factors that one can attribute to contracting the flu. Because the flu generally happens when the weather gets cooler and people are not getting as much sunlight, many people become vitamin D deficient.

There have been a number of studies done that show the direct correlation between vitamin D deficiency and the contraction of the flu.(1) If you are not going to be exposing yourself to very much sunlight throughout the day, you may want to consider taking a Vitamin D supplement. Those with a weaker immune system are more prone to getting the flu so it is important to keep healthy all year long. Eat a diet that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables to be sure that you are meeting your daily intake of vitamins and minerals.

There is a lot of research to show that the number of annual deaths caused by the flu each year are greatly exaggerated.

There are corporate interests at hand here, especially when it comes to the flu vaccine. (Read more about that here) With that being said, don’t worry. If you do get the flu, then you get the flu. Don’t panic. Many people get the flu all the time, and you may have to take a few days off work , rest and watch movies all day, but there is an extremely high probability that you will recover. Be sure to keep hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids and rest when you are tired. Wishing you health and happiness this fall and winter season! Much Love Sources: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) .

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