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World Leaders Are Just People Too. An Artist Shows Them Doing Their “Duty”

Whether it be world leaders, celebrities, famous athletes or any other people we tend to idolize, we often forget they are people too.

World Leaders Are Just People Too. An Artist Shows Them Doing Their “Duty”

We forget that they do all of the same things that, what we view as “the average person,” does as well. Why is this important? It’s important because in a world where idolization, class and levels of power reign heavy on the general population, putting things into perspective about the reality of human life can help shift our perspective away from how we view others and help create more equality and empathy amongst one another. It’s almost scary at times to see how hardcore we can idolize certain individuals on the planet. We scream, cry and chase them around when we see them. We feel less capable and less powerful than them. We will spend hours or even days waiting in line just to get a glimpse of them, yet much of the time famous people are only in these positions because they were bred for it and brought into that space. It’s often much simpler than it normally looks and yet we suddenly take another individual, who grew up in diapers just like you, who wet their bed just like you, who sits on their couch just like you and who even “does their duty” just like you.

The same can be said for authority roles like police officers.

They are often trained to see plain clothed people as “enemies” and we in turn end up being afraid of them. How many times have you suddenly been nervous around a group of cops? At the end of the day when that uniform comes off, they are a mother, father, wife, husband, son and so forth.

They have very similar fears, worries and personalities as many of us yet we forget that when we see the uniform. Given the recent increase in civilian and police conflict, now is a great time to reflect and remember who we really are as people beyond all the roles. Internalize that. Now on a slightly more fun note, artist Cristina Gugerri wanted to help remind people that world leaders are no different than any of us in the end. So she created a series of drawings called Il Dovere Quotidiano, or “The Daily Duty.” To check out the rest of Cristina Guggeri’s work, visit her website: .

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