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World Population Projected at 7.9 Billion on New Year's Day

(The Associated Press) The world population is projected to be 7.9 billion people on New Year’s Day 2023, with 73.7 million people added since New Year’s Day 2022, the U.S.Census Bureau said Thursday.

World Population Projected at 7.9 Billion on New Year's Day

. That marks a 0.9% increase in the world population over the past year. During January 2023, 4.3 births and two deaths are expected worldwide every second, the Census Bureau said.

The U.S. population on New Year’s Day 2023 is projected to be 334.2 million people, with 1.5 million people added since New Year’s Day 2022, or an increase of just under a half percent.

The U.S. is projected to have a birth every nine seconds and a death every 10 seconds in January 2023. Net international migration is expected to add a person to the U.S. population every 32 seconds.

The combination of births, deaths and net international migration increases the U.S. population by a person every 27 seconds, according to the Census Bureau.

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