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Wow! Milky Way, Auroras & Thunderstorms Stun In New Time-Lapse Video

This amazing video footage comes from Randy Halverson at was shot from April to November of 2013 in South Dakota, USA.

Wow! Milky Way, Auroras & Thunderstorms Stun In New Time-Lapse Video

. For more remarkable footage you can visit the Facebook page here as well. Our world and universe are filled with such beauty, and this time lapse captures a minuscule portion of that. When we stare in awe at beautiful images such as these, it generates changes in our biology. When we are feeling positive emotions like gratitude and appreciation, our heart sends out a completely different message because the heart produces the largest electromagnetic field produced in the body. You can read more about that here. It can be a good idea to spend some time looking at a sunset, getting out in nature or spending some time staring at the stars on a clear night. This is something that’s been lost in our everyday existence, we’ve forgotten the beauty of nature and instead chose to destroy it. But we are in the process of change, the world is raising it’s voice and the movement continues to grow and gain strength. I hope this video reminds you how beautiful it is to exist, and I hope it makes you appreciate your life and how lucky you are to be able to experience the human experience. Why is it that when most of us grow into adults, we do not gaze upon phenomena like this with awe and wonder as we once did when we were children? This footage is truly breathtaking, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. .

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