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WV Treasurer Running for Congress to Combat 'Woke Corporate Activism'

WV Treasurer Running for Congress to Combat 'Woke Corporate Activism'

West Virginia State Treasurer Riley Moore announced Monday that he will run in the state’s Second Congressional District to stop “woke corporate activism.” Moore, the first Republican state treasurer in West Virginia in 92 years, said in a written statement: West Virginians need a fighter in Washington to stand up for our values and push back against the entrenched special interests attacking our energy economy, shipping jobs overseas, and indoctrinating our children. I’ve dedicated my career to tackling the big issues – expanding educational opportunities for our students, fighting for American energy against woke corporate activism, and helping build an economy that creates jobs and opportunities for working people. As an America First conservative, that’s exactly what I’ll do for the people of West Virginia in Washington. Moore aims to replace Rep. Alex Mooney (R-WV) in the state’s Second Congressional District as the incumbent congressman hopes to oust Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) in 2024. Moore has been one of the leading state officials in the fight against woke corporate activism, especially against Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing. ESG investing is the latest avenue through which leftist politicians and Wall Street behemoths can push corporations to adopt social and political positions they otherwise would not adopt. This includes divesting from the fossil fuel industry, increased diversity hiring, and other controversial topics. In July, Moore banned five Wall Street firms from state banking contracts over the financial giants’ advancement of ESG investing.

The five firms include BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, and Wells Fargo. This bans these entities from roughly $18 billion worth of inflows and outflows each year. “I simply cannot stand by and allow financial institutions working against West Virginia’s critical industries to profit off the very funds their policies attempt to diminish,” Moore said in July. Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.

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