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Yellen on Chinese Economic Leadership: We Have to Work with China to 'Both' 'Have a Significant Role in the Global Economy'

During an interview with NPR’s “Marketplace” podcast released on Monday, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen responded to a question on China becoming an economic leader by stating that the U.S.

Yellen on Chinese Economic Leadership: We Have to Work with China to 'Both' 'Have a Significant Role in the Global Economy'

and China must “find ways to both work together to have a significant role in the global economy” and stated that China has expressed the view that it is “important for both of us to be able to thrive in a global economy.” Host Kai Ryssdal asked, [relevant exchange begins around 4:50] “[I]n April, as a precursor to this said one of the things you’re trying to get across to the Chinese is that, ‘China’s economic growth need not be incompatible with U.S. economic leadership.’ So, let me poke you in the eye a little bit. What if the Chinese give a speech and say, America’s economic growth need not be incompatible with Chinese leadership? How do you react to that?” Yellen answered, “Well, we need to find ways to both work together to have a significant role in the global economy, and certainly, China has expressed the view that it’s important for both of us to be able to thrive in a global economy.” Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett.

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