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You have just 24 hours left to have your say on the WHO’s “Pandemic Treaty”

You have just 24 hours left to have your say on the WHO’s “Pandemic Treaty”

Since December of last year the World Health Organization has been developing a new “international treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness”.

Such a treaty is likely to include international digital ID papers, as well as commitments to making and marketing new “vaccines” in less than three months

You can read about it in detail in our earlier article on the subject.

The proposed treaty is now in the public consultation phase, and as such the WHO are accepting written responses vie their website, on the question:

What substantive elements do you think should be included in a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response?”

You’ll note the question treats the eventual existence of the legislation as an a priori assumption, the question is what should be included in the treaty, not should the treaty exist at all.

That said, you could still request the inclusion of guarantees on state and individual sovereignty, respect for human rights, legal liability for government officials and/or pharmaceutical companies and all other things governmental bodies have completely ignored for the last 2 years.

If you want to make your views known, click here and follow the instructions.

They will be closing for written submissions on Wednesday April 13th, at 3PM UK time, or 10AM Eastern, so you don’t have long.

Read the full article at the original website


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