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Your Day Won’t Be The Same After You Hear What This Man & Young Girl Say

Are you paying attention to the life you are in? If only we all took a few moment in our busy lives, or should I say busy minds, to simply notice the life around us.

Your Day Won’t Be The Same After You Hear What This Man & Young Girl Say

To truly BE there for it, to actually “show up” in the experience we are having—as opposed to thinking about what is next on our to-do list. What would we see? What would we feel? It doesn’t really matter what, what matters is that WE WOULD be seeing and feeling what life offers us in this very moment. We would not be missing out on the present by solely focusing and feeding into mental noise. Many of us seem to have adopted this belief that whether your day was a good day or a bad day depends of what you have accomplished throughout the day. This is not to say that accomplishing things is not a good thing, but a question we should all ask ourselves is: What do I have a body for? What do I have senses for? Why am I walking on a planet full of textures, sounds, colors, sights, and other beings to experience life with? Think about it: if we were truly here simply to “get sh*t done,” or merely “get through” the day, we might as well be robots transporting brains around, but we’re not. We are experiencing beings having a human experience. We have eyes that can see, noses that can smell, ears that can hear, fingers than can touch, hands that can create, and arms that can hug. We are vehicles for experience, play and creation! Regardless of how the system is trying to sell us on the belief that life is about chasing after numbers, pieces of paper and meaningless stuff, this is not a reflection of our natural state. It it a game of monopoly that is actually losing power as we speak due to its unsustainable nature. That being said, if you feel that your mind is often drifting into “auto mode” or feel like life is passing you by while you’re not even there to watch it then the following video is for you. I hope it will change your awareness about today like it did mine! “Forget about your life situation and pay attention to your life. Your life situation exists in time. Your life is now. Your life situation is mind-stuff. Your life is real.” – Eckhart Tolle .

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