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Your Soul’s Calling: 5 Defining Features Of Soul-full Business

Your Soul’s Calling: 5 Defining Features Of Soul-full Business

Is your work full of soul? Does your soul soar as you give your gifts? Do you know in your heart that you are living your “soul’s calling?” Since I began my own soul-full business, I have met many employees and entrepreneurs who are only using a fraction of their soul gifts in their work. This usually shows up as mild frustration about their work, stagnation around finances, and sometimes even a drop-off in customers. Often they feel disillusioned about their work and they don’t know why.

The common theme is this: when our souls do not have a creative outlet to bring our gifts into this world, the cogs in the wheels become stuck, and we know it’s time to create something new that is in alignment with who we really are – our soul’s purpose. Anything less just doesn’t cut it. It’s a different question to ponder in soul-based business than regular business, which is centered around: What gap can I fill in the market? What qualifications and skills do I have to meet demand? What is the optimal return on my investment? While these are important questions, they do not precede the first: What does your SOUL want you to create? Your soul represents the best version of yourself. It is pure golden energy that lights up your body and mind. It is the source of your divine gifts, the qualities that are able to have an impact in this physical world beyond what we can perceive. Your soul awaits patiently as you go through life, making choices, taking chances, and learning lessons – some of them intuitive choices, some of them driven by ego and fear. If it has to, it will wait a lifetime for you to listen to what it has to say. Your soul knows what’s best for you. It knows when an opportunity arises, whether or not it will help you to grow and thrive. It knows what activities will fill your heart with joy. It knows what you specifically have to offer this world to make it a better place. Yet many of us ignore what our souls want for us. We forget to listen. We forget that we are never alone. We forget that life could be so much more enjoyable and fruitful if we remembered who we are and what we are here to create. When I come across a soul-full business, stewarded by a soul-full business owner, I am stopped in my tracks. I know in my bones that it’s a rare privilege, a vehicle for change without force, a thriving example for others to follow. A soul-full business changes me almost within seconds of reading, listening, viewing, or experiencing what it offers. It is like being plugged directly into the source of life and I don’t want to leave its presence. That is the power of soul-full business. And it’s a rare gem to find in the busy, noisy world of online and offline business today.

There are plenty of successful businesses out there in financial terms, but a soul-full business is both successful AND magical. It’s alchemical. It transforms the people who come in the doors, it awakens them to who they are through being seen and having their deepest needs met. Here’s how... A soul-full business is truly unique – it stands out from the rest because it is different in its own right.

There is a difference between a business that is unique in WHO it serves, and a business that is unique in WHAT it sells. “What” is the product or service that is infused with the brilliance of the person or people within the business. It’s something that its customers won’t find anywhere else, keeping them coming back for more. In soul-full business, the energy of creation is not simply coming from the mind, it is coming from a higher vibration that takes time to come into the physical world. Many of the world’s greatest inventions took decades to be realized; they took years of trial and error to refine what the creation needed to become to be of practical use. Often our souls are preparing us for our creations many years in advance, even if we’re not aware of the fact. Many businesses are created out of fear surrounding survival. This is what prompts people to look for business opportunities from the outside in, rather than the inside out. A business created from the inside out comes from divine inspiration, a spark or a seed that comes from the soul, that germinates and takes root. A business created from the outside in comes from a mental assessment about what will work, rather than from trusting an inspired idea and taking the first step to making it a reality. Divine inspiration doesn’t happen by coincidence, it is meant to be nurtured into a real, tangible creation that is of value to this world at this time. Soul-full business is born from struggle. It is inspired by what hasn’t worked – the trials and challenges of a person’s life – and then transformed into a solution. It seems counter-intuitive, but as human beings we resist what we are naturally good at. This is primarily because our natural gifts extend us beyond our comfort zone – we have to consistently face new challenges in order to refine and polish our gifts to continue being of service at the highest level. This resistance that we have to putting our gifts into action is meant to be overcome, it is part of the process that makes us happier and more creative people. It also holds the key to greater abundance.

There are many successful businesses that, while selling highly innovative or useful products, also have “side effects” such as excessive pollution (eg. plastic products which can’t be recycled), detrimental working conditions (eg. slave labour), environmental degradation (eg. products derived from non-sustainable materials), or poor health (eg. work that is not physically sustainable). It is important to point out that the soul does not inspire creations that are harmful to humans, animals, or nature. It is our interpretation and implementation of our creative ideas that potentially creates harm; in other words, there is always a way of bringing these creations to the world in a way that is sustainable for all. At the end of the day, whether you have your own business or not, you have a choice to notice and nurture soul-full business – as a customer, an entrepreneur, or an employee. So ask yourself: Who will you choose to do business with? What business are you creating? What does your soul want you to create? .

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