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15 Quotes From The Late Robin Williams On Love, Life, & Loneliness

It’s hard to believe that it has already been over a year and a half since actor and comedian Robin Williams decided to take his own life at the age of 63.

15 Quotes From The Late Robin Williams On Love, Life, & Loneliness

Over the course of his acting career, Robin made us think as Sean Maguire in Good Will Hunting, made us cry as Patch Adams in Patch Adams, and made us laugh as the Genie in Aladdin.

These were just three of Robin’s most iconic roles of the 100+ that he brought to life for us so perfectly. What many may not know, however, is that Robin was also an incredibly insightful individual; though he may have left this world physically, the indelible mark his spirit left on the world will not soon be forgotten, nor will his many powerful words of wisdom. Here, in my opinion, are 15 of Robin Williams’ most powerful quotes that will make you think, laugh, and cry just like his acting performances do: We all have a zany side, which for most of us only makes an appearance in the comfort of our living room or shower when no one else is home. Rather than suppress that inner spark of madness, Robin reminds us to embrace it and let it always be at the core of everything that we do. We can often feel like a tiny fish in a massive sea, so it only makes sense to feel as though nothing we do could ever possibly have a global impact. As Robin reminds us, however, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Be and share the change you want to see in the world and you might just surprise yourself by how far it ripples out. Life is always filled with challenges, even when we achieve what we previously set out as a goal. Keep challenging yourself to grow and do more knowing that, while there will always be challenges in your way, you will always be able to conquer them. This commentary on social media reminds us to live in the moment and not be so obsessed with the bells and whistles that technology continues to develop and wow us with. Take the time to interact with the people you love in person, and when out at incredible events don’t be afraid to put the phone down and actually experience them. We all know the infamous saying “choose your friends wisely,” and as cliché as it may be, it really is true. Let this quote remind you to surround yourself with the people in your life that lift you up and allow you to be who you truly are. Robin makes us laugh through this social commentary on the state of marriage and divorce rates in the world. No matter what your life has and will continue to throw at you in the realm of relationships, keep your head up and enjoy the experience for what it is. Robin makes us question our entire existence with this short but impactful quote. No matter your stance on the true nature of reality, let this quote remind you that life doesn’t need to be taken so seriously and to be sure to enjoy the ride on occasion.

The state of the political system is certainly questionable in most parts of the world. Perhaps it’s time we re-evaluate our current systems and see whether or not they are capable of providing the change we require to survive and thrive. Robin comically reminds us to stand behind what we’ve come to know as true and not be so easily wavered by popular opinion. We all have our own internal guidance and insight which are more than capable of shaping an intelligent stance on any matter or issue. Life can very easily be filled with regrets, but as Robin reminds us, there is a lesson and bright side to everything that we experience. Rather than carrying the weight of the past with you in the present, let it go and be grateful for the role it played in making you who you are right now. We all face doubt and self-consciousness where we let the opinions of others shape so much of how we feel. Remind yourself that you have already accomplished a lot in this life, and are always going to be capable of doing even more. Nothing better than a simple reminder to embrace and make the best of right now. We will never be as young as we are right now, so if not now, when? Another reminder that we all go through trials and tribulations in life. Even though they may seem overwhelming, they always have a purpose and the power to make us into even stronger individuals when we rise above them. Academic pursuits will always play an integral role in keeping the world running, but we must not forget to embrace and enjoy the beauty that love has to offer. In the end, it is likely going to be the loving moments we shared that we will remember more than our academic accomplishments. I wanted to end off on a comedic note since that only seemed fitting given the number of times that Robin made us laugh over the course of his life. The strand of truth that can be taken from this quote is how sexually obsessed we’ve become as a society, both men and women, and how we need to be sure to balance it out with intelligent decisions. .

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