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70 Year Old Vegan Woman Is Fountain of Youth

Hello viewers! We wanted to share this article with all of you to provide a great example of the benefits of being conscious about our health and how we take care of our bodies.

70 Year Old Vegan Woman Is Fountain of Youth

This woman has been a raw vegan for 27 years, meaning she consumes no animals products or cooked foods and is alive and well with a beautiful radiant energy...At 70 years old! Check it out! 🙂 Our bodies are naturally designed to have strong immune systems and to age and deteriorate far less quickly than what we are currently experiencing collectively. Check out these articles that we have previously shared if you’d like to find out more about what can cause disharmony, disease and imbalance within the body.

The Protein Myth – The Dairy Myth: .

Read the full article at the original website

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