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Amazing Display Of Courage Shown By A Pregnant Pig With A Will To Survive

A soon-to-be mother pig, now named Rita, was on her way to the slaughter house when she risked her life for a last ditch effort to save her unborn piglets.

Amazing Display Of Courage Shown By A Pregnant Pig With A Will To Survive

This brave sow jumped from a flatbed truck somewhere near Sacramento, California, and almost as if by miracle, landed on grass completely unharmed. Animal control officers were notified and the terrified pig was wrangled and then brought to a shelter for cats and dogs. And then something incredible happened: she gave birth to 14 piglets! It is clear why this new mama was so eager to escape; her motherly instincts to save her piglets had kicked in big time. Unfortunately, 5 of her piglets did not survive, but that still left 9 lovely piglets to take care of. No one came forward to claim this sow so the people of Animal Place were able to rescue all 10 pigs! Luckily they had some room available on their Grass Valley Sanctuary and the newly named sow and her piglets were taken there. Within a few days Rita and her babes were fairly comfortable being around humans and beginning their new life in paradise. Check out this heartwarming video below! This is a really great example of how animals are sentient beings and have emotions and survival instincts. Rita was willing to jump off a moving truck to save her babies! This is something that any mother would do for her children. Now just consider for a second the fact that approximately 110 million pigs are slaughtered every single year — in the U.S. alone. We are lying to ourselves if we think those pigs do not carry the same desire to live, to play, and to take care of their young. But their lives are cut short in order to meet the demands of the consumer. If everyone would simply drastically cut back his or her meat consumption or quit eating pork altogether, imagine how many lives could be saved. If you would like to make a donation to help support Rita and her 9 baby piglets with veterinary care and essentials like food, please click the link here! Much Love .

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