Are You A ‘Truth Seeker’ That’s Upset With ‘Asleep’ People?
Often times, we can get caught up in anger and judgement when we feel we are 'more awake' than others.This leads to conversations that can be abrasive and aggressive.
The meme below is a great example of the kind of stuff that often goes around. I’m one who loves jokes, and I see nothing wrong with most jokes, but the tricky part is, many people truly see their fellow humans in limiting and negative lights, and I feel it’s time to reflect on that. Common memes that go around. One thing you’ll often notice in these situations is, the moment there is a power gap in someone thinking they are more awake than another, the tone, language and intention of the person trying to ‘awaken’ the other changes. At any sight of resistance from the other, the ‘awake’ person may begin their attack.
The ‘un-awake’ person might move into a mode of being defensive of their position, causing the other person to attempt to convince heavily and will often berating the other for not understanding lies that we have been told as the masses. This turns into a distasteful conversation where no one moves anywhere because the security system in both people’s minds have gone off! On one hand, the warning signal from the ‘un-awake’ person is saying “this person is crazy, don’t listen to them, hold onto your beliefs or you will end up like them!” On the other hand, the ‘awake’ person feels threatened and their alarm system starts saying “Hold onto your belief and position! This person is trying to shut you up!” In either case, clarity and common ground cannot be found. So the question becomes, does exposing truth in an aggressive and alarming manner help to wake people up? Or is it widening the gap between those seeing the truth and those still unaware of it? If our number one goal is to help awaken people, shouldn’t we look for the most effective way to do that, and do it? I personally feel it’s clear that by coming off in an aggressive manner is very much like being a bull in a china shop, and it isn’t effective at waking anyone up to truth. You might hear people say “but anger is what changes our world! Without anger, nothing will change!” To this I say, “where is the proof that anger has actually made our world better?” (We talk about this subject in great detail in episode 3 of our show on CETV called Elevate.) In conversation, anger does two things, gives us an opportunity to feel and explore why we are letting our emotions get the best of us, and it gives others good reason to not want to look into what you are saying and also easily allows them to label people as crazy without having to think deeply about the content being discussed. People often ask me “you must get attacked all the time at family gatherings or by friends eh?” I say “No. Pretty much never.” Why? Because I have always taken an empathetic neutral approach to the situation of sharing new and controversial ideas. I have had full on conversations about even the most controversial of topics like reptilian extraterrestrials and may get some wide eyes but never anything too crazy. It’s simply because I go into these conversations neutral and unattached to outcomes. This EFFECTIVELY allows people to explore topics and change. So how do we do this? We can learn some of this through the CE Protocol. From this same neutral position, we have approached our work here at CE. In fact, I developed a protocol that we use here at CE to not only create shifts within people through media but that also works as a practice to be used in our own lives to create the necessary shifts within our perceptions and consciousness such that we can actively create a new world from that new state of consciousness.
The CE Protocol will cover how we can begin having a greater grasp of this approach, and how we can reflect on implementing it in our own lives. As you reflect on how we can make the most of our conversations with others, and observe how an aggressive and judgmental state truly doesn’t bring anyone together in understanding, I also invite you to check out the CE protocol to truly dive deeper into why we not only cover the stories we do, but also why we go about it the way we do. Of course, you can take the 5 Days of You Challenge as well at the end. Click here to check out the CE Protocol on CETV. .
Read the full article at the original website