Wikipedia Ruined My Life Dr. Vernon Coleman describes how Wikipedia has ruined his life by publishing false information about him, which has led to him being discredited and losing book sales.
Beyond Growth: The promise of a wellbeing economy In this guest blog, econometrician and sustainability researcher Gaya Herrington considers whether a transition to a Wellbeing Economy is possible and what that would mean for our society and how we interact with the natural world. Why, despite all our innovative capabilities, do problems like poverty, hunger, and environmental destruction
Shocking Government Reports: Are the C-19 Vaccinated at Risk of Developing AIDS?” UK PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report figures on Covid cases show that doubly vaccinated 40-70 year olds have lost 40% of their immune system capability compared to unvaccinated people.
The Exposé September Fundraising Campaign: We rely solely on the support of our suffering readers… The Expose is facing unprecedented global censorship. Your support will not only help to keep us going but hopefully allow us to expand and compete with the Mainstream Media worldwide… September Fundraising Campaign Progress Please choose your preferred donation method Your support is now more vital than ever so that
The Expose August Fundraising Campaign: We rely solely on the support of our suffering readers… The Expose is facing unprecedented global censorship. Your support will not only help to keep us going but hopefully allow us to expand and compete with the Mainstream Media worldwide… August Fundraising Campaign Progress Please choose your preferred donation method Your support is now more vital than ever so that
The Expose’s July Fundraising Campaign The Expose is facing unprecedented censorship. Your support will not only help to keep us going but hopefully allow us to expand and compete with the Mainstream Media worldwide… July Fundraising Campaign Progress Please choose your preferred donation method You support is now more vital than ever so that The
Dr. Mike Yeadon: Pandemics, digital control, eugenics and depopulation On 21 November 2022, former Pfizer scientist Dr.
Are climate scientists becoming slaves to a system designed to prevent science? The climate system is extremely complex and our understanding is deeply uncertain. There is a whole lot that we don’t know and even more that we can’t know. When in the 1980s, the United Nations (“UN”) picked up on climate change as a tool to push forward a
The Expose’s May Fundraising Campaign The Expose is facing unprecedented censorship. Your support will not only help to keep us going but hopefully allow us to expand and compete with the Mainstream Media worldwide… May Fundraising Campaign Progress Please choose your preferred donation method You support is now more vital than ever so that The
Iurie Roșca, the Christian Optimist—Part 2 In the first half of this interview, Iurie Roșca set out the stages in his life of anti-communist Christian dissidence, and subsequent anti-corruption campaigning in the early years of Moldovan independence, that made him a serious contender for the presidency of his country by 2009. Now, Roșca recounts in fine
The Sinister Web Untangled: CIA & Rockefeller’s Secret Agenda Revealed in the Shocking 2025 Depopulation Report by Deagel In a world where reality often seems stranger than fiction, the machinations behind global events can be an enigma wrapped in mystery.
ARE YOUR EYES OPEN?: Global Governments are in a Silent War Against Humanity- The Prelude to WW3 & the March Towards a Digital Dystopia It is an honour, a privilege and a joy to give my thoughts and words to my brothers and sisters in our fight to preserve our identity, our history, our national culture, the honour of our ancestors, our freedoms, our health, our individuality, our spirituality, our families, our lives, our
April Fundraising Campaign – The Establishment is trying to Silence & Bankrupt us… We should now be fundraising for May. But The Establishment is trying to bankrupt The Expose & shut us down by repeatedly freezing our funds. Therefore, we only recently managed to be 100% funded for March and are now finally fundraising for April & the costs it will undoubtedly bring. This means