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Are You Living The Life You Want To Be Living? Here’s How To Get On Track

“Follow your bliss.

Are You Living The Life You Want To Be Living? Here’s How To Get On Track

If you do follow your bliss, 
you put yourself on a kind of track
 that has been there all the while waiting for you, and the life you ought to be living
 is the one you are living. 
When you can see that, you begin to meet people
 who are in the field of your bliss, and they open the doors to you. 
I say, follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open
 where you didn’t know they were going to be. 
If you follow your bliss, doors will open for you that wouldn’t have opened for anyone else.” – Joseph Campbell Following your bliss is not about seeking extremes of joy and happiness. It is about following your heart and doing what is right for you. It’s about noticing what gives you energy, and doing that thing. It’s about noticing where your energy gets sucked away, and not doing that thing. For me, following your bliss is finding your own special path in life and then having the courage to walk that path. And while we may find guides along the way to offer advice and some direction, it is ultimately a solo-journey as we each discover our own unique way. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to find that path or even to stay on it once it’s been found. It’s so easy to get overwhelmed and lost in today’s crazy information-overloaded world. Our senses are on high alert as we are bombarded with the latest news from our TVs, computers, phones and newspapers. Advertising messages yell at us in the ad breaks, squabble for our attention on our computer screen, and even hit us from our phone apps. And even our friends seem to be screaming for our attention as the multitude of social media forums constantly ping us with messages and updates. And it’s not just information-overload that we’re all struggling to deal with, but it’s also some of the crazy expectations we’ve picked up from our overly striving, overly competitive society.

These expectations take up our time and energy, and distract us from finding our true purpose.

They may be something to focus on and strive for, but they are not ultimately satisfying and are not what leads to a fulfilling life. Sometimes things just happen that push us off-track. It may be that we spend time working in a toxic environment, and instead of taking the hint that life is giving us and changing jobs or careers, we stay in that negative environment and persist with it, hoping that things will get better. We know in our heart that we are off-track as our health suffers and our energy levels decline but we don’t do anything to change the situation. Whether we are off track due to society, information overload or something unique to us, these distractions tend to put us on the back foot, making us forget that we are unique and that we have our own special path to follow. I know, I’ve been there. When I decided to quit my twenty-year career in advertising to find a life more fulfilling and more authentic, something magical happened, and my life shifted up a level. But first, let me explain my journey briefly. For me it was a simple three-step approach: Step 1: Quit my job. Step 2: Sell my house. Step 3: Spend a year traveling and doing all the things I love to do. When you break it down like that it really doesn’t sound too daunting – just three simple steps. And yet for many this sounds super dramatic. But for me it wasn’t, it all happened naturally and easily. And do remember, this is my journey and doesn’t have to be yours. We each have our own unique path to follow – we will each transition in different ways. For me, taking one year in the possible 90 years of my life to find my own path was a no-brainer and has been the best decision of my life. It has allowed me to explore the possibilities of what it means to be truly and completely me. I’ve never been more satisfied in my life. As Joseph Campbell suggested, all of a sudden doors opened in directions I could never have dreamed. My life is now one of magic, joy and bliss. I am in flow. Living a passionate life is a real possibility for everyone. And I wish this life for you. Here are some tips to get you going: ‘Follow your bliss’ is the phrase that has been the inspiration for my life journey and for the development of my new book ‘A Passionate Life.’ If you are looking to re-ignite your passion for life go to to learn more. .

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