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Association of body mass index with clinical outcome of primary WHO grade 4 glioma

The prognostic value of body mass index (BMI) in primary WHO grade 4 gliomas is not widely acknowledged.

Association of body mass index with clinical outcome of primary WHO grade 4 glioma

This study aims to assess the survival outcomes of patients with different BMIs.Methods Real-world data of patients diagnosed with primary WHO grade 4 (2021 version) glioma was assessed. All 127 patients admitted in this study were administered with standard-of-care from September 2018 to September 2021.

The outcomes of overall survival and progression-free survival were analyzed.The baseline characteristics of clinical features, molecular features, and secondary treatment in BMI subsets showed no significant difference.

The survival analyses showed a significantly superior overall survival (OS) in the overweight group compared to the normal weight group. A trend of better OS in the overweight group compared to the obesity group was observed.

The univariate Cox regression demonstrated patients of round-BMI 25 and 26 had superior OS outcomes.In this real-world setting, patients with a BMI between 24 and 28 have superior overall survival. Patients in the proper BMI range may acquire survival benefits undergoing standard-of-care of primary WHO grade 4 gliomas.

The prospective studies on a larger scale on these subsets of patients are necessary to solve the paradox of BMI in glioma.

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