Two New Studies Test Quercetin And COVID Outcomes In an August 21, 2021, newsletter, Dr.Michael Murray discussed the use of quercetin for respiratory infection symptoms.In November 2020, hed suffered a very mild and brief bout of COVID-19.
Job Creators Network Hammers Biden with Massive Times Square Billboard: 'Hey Joe, Time to Let the Mandate Go!' The Job Creators Network (JCN), one of America’s largest small business advocacy organizations, has erected another billboard in the heart of Times Square, this time calling out the Joe Biden White House over its vaccine mandate for private employers with 100 or more staff members. No official rule has
Ingredient Spotlight: Artist’s Conk & Red Belted Conk Though completely different species– The Artist’s Conk and Red Belted Conk do have some similarities.
Miners Stage Protest as EU Moves to Kill Coal Jobs for Green Agenda SOFIA, Bulgaria (AP) – Hundreds of Bulgarian coal miners and energy workers staged a protest on Wednesday to demand government guarantees for their jobs amid bids by the European Union to close mines and reduce carbon emissions. Buses carried protesters from across Bulgaria for the rally in downtown Sofia, where demonstrators
Michigan Gas Prices Soar to 2021 High, Averaging $3.33 per Gallon Michigan gas prices have soared to a 2021 high, as the average gallon of unleaded gas in the state registers at $3.33.
The Web of Elite Extremists Behind Censorship of Mercola This article was previously published March 5, 2021, and has been updated with new information.
Judicial Action Against Police Abuse in Brazil Police abuse is a chronic human rights problem that Human Rights Watch has worked on for decades in Brazil.In the last five years, Brazilian police killed 22,000 people, most of them Black.
Scientists Store Video Data in the DNA of Living Organisms The bacteria E. coli might sometimes make us sick, but they have served as a workhorse in science. They teach us about DNA and produce ingredients for drugs and fuel molecules. Now E. coli can claim one more skill: They can store our digital data.
Letter to US Senate: Don’t Delay on Federal Criminal Legal Reforms The Honorable Charles Schumer Senate Majority Leader S-221, The United States Capitol Washington, DC 20510 The Honorable Mitch McConnell Senate Minority Leader S-230, The United States Capitol Washington, DC 20510 October 4, 2021 Via email RE: Prioritize Federal Criminal Sentencing Reform Bills Dear Majority Leader Schumer and Leader McConnell: I
Why Is Info on COVID and Vitamin D Deficiency Suppressed? Many years of research have demonstrated the multiple benefits of vitamin D to your health.
Vitamin D May Reduce COVID-19 Infection and Mortality This article was previously published February 22, 2021, and has been updated with new information.
The End of the Speed Limit on the Highway to Nowhere Photo by Bradley Ziffer on Unsplash There was a time when time was time and space and speed had some human meaning, for people lived within the limits of the natural world of which they were a part. As Albert Camus said, “In our madness, we push back the eternal
The Pandemic Cause No One Wants to Talk About The Pandemic Cause No One Wants to Talk About Analysis by Dr.
Privacy Nightmare: Amazon's 'Astro' Robot Will Roam Your House with an AI-Powered Camera Amazon has announced a new robot named Astro designed to make household tasks easier — all while using its AI-powered cameras and facial recognition tech to scan the faces of everyone in your home.
Medical Mafia Is Sinking the Health Care System In Part 1 of the video above, Project Veritas interviews Jodi OMalley, a registered nurse who works for the U.S.