Biden, Starmer & Co Want World War Three
The war in Ukraine didn’t start in 2022 and it wasn’t started by Russia.

It was started in 2014 when Ukraine started to attack a breakaway pro-Russian province.
It has for some time been clear that Western leaders who are running this war through NATO are desperate for it to go nuclear.
Why? The Great Reset includes a depopulation plan and that might have something to do with it.
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On 3 May 2022, I made a video entitled `Why they need World War III’.
In February 2023 [see HERE and HERE], I explained how the Americans had destroyed the Nord Stream pipeline. Biden boasted that he’d do that. And, as planned, blowing up the pipeline forced a freezing Europe into the war with greater enthusiasm. It also meant that Europe had to buy American gas. The lunatic conspirators claim the pipeline was destroyed by unknown saboteurs – probably, they say, two teenage boys in a rowing boat whose fishing tackle got caught in the pipeline and damaged it.
In March 2023, I made a video entitled `Nuclear War is Coming’ [watch HERE].
As usual, a lot of people laughed.
I wonder if they are still laughing now that Biden has given Ukraine permission to use American missiles on Russia. (Ukraine wasted no time in firing American missiles into Russia.) And it seems likely that Starmer will soon be using Ukraine for a proxy attack on Russia. Neither leader is supported by the voters but both countries will be at war with Russia.
In my four and a half years of making videos, I haven’t told you anything that wasn’t true. I’ve made no predictions that didn’t come true. Crooked fact checkers have constantly tried and failed to find errors – though lots of them have lied trying.
I warned about compulsory vaccinations and a cashless society in February and March 2020. At the same time, I warned that old people would be killed. I warned about the fake pandemic, food shortages, DNA thefts and so on. I warned, in the autumn of 2020, before they started giving it, how the covid jab would kill people. I warned about inflation and interest rate rises in 2020.
(If you want to check exactly what I said my book `Covid 19: The Greatest Hoax in History’ contains the transcripts of all my banned videos from March 2020 to September 2020. The scripts are the originals and have not been altered or updated. And my book `Coming Apocalypse’, which was published in April 2020, contained my early warnings about the fake pandemic and explained why I knew it was fake. (Go to the bookshop on my website for details.)
It has for some time been clear that Western leaders who are running this war through NATO are desperate for it to go nuclear.
Well, don’t forget that the plan for the Great Reset includes a depopulation plan. The conspirators, the insane globalists behind the climate fraud, the fake pandemic, the rebranded flu, the covid jab (now better known as the world’s most toxic pharmaceutical product) boasted that they want to reduce the world’s population from around 8 billion down to 500 million. Not even the toxic, experimental covid jab is killing people fast enough for them.
In murdering thousands of the elderly they’ve saved billions on pension fees. They boasted about that. And the spread of legal euthanasia, which will kill millions of the poor, the disabled and the jobless, isn’t yet killing enough people.
Hence the war.
The war in Ukraine didn’t start in 2022 and it wasn’t started by Russia, of course. It was started in 2014 when Ukraine started to attack a breakaway pro-Russian province. In 2015, Obama admitted that the American Government had put Zelenksy in place and given him billions of dollars to play with. It was NATO which decided that an escalation was needed – and decided to use the Ukraine conflict as a designer war, a proxy war.
Sunak, the UK’s last Prime Minister, upped the ante by sending depleted uranium shells to Ukraine.
In my book ‘Rogue Nation’, which I wrote in 2003, in protest at America’s illegal invasion of Iraq (and boy did that get me into trouble) I wrote:
“During America’s war against Yugoslavia the USA dropped over 10,000 tonnes of depleted uranium on (among others) passenger trains, television studios, occupied office buildings, assorted embassies and refugee convoys. This typically inaccurate American bombing campaign was carried out without the authorisation of the United Nations Security Council or, indeed, the USA Congress. It was, in short, an illegal war which would have been described as terrorism if America had not been responsible.”
And I pointed out: “Radiation levels in Iraq are dangerously high as a result of depleted uranium used by America in the Gulf War. Iraqi babies are born without brains, eyes or genitalia. Blood pours from their ears and mouths.”
So, it’s not surprising that Putin is more than a little upset that Britain has started using dirty bombs in Ukraine. These shells will raise radiation levels in Ukraine by 1,000 times or more. When used in Iraq they caused cancer, miscarriages and, with vaccination, contributed to Gulf War Syndrome.
We know the long-term effects of depleted uranium. When American forces used it in Iraq and Yugoslavia tens of thousands of people suffered from the effects.
Soldiers and civilians will die from it. There will be a 38% increase in Leukaemia too. Worse than the after-effects of Hiroshima.
And the damned stuff even destroys the land and any crops that might be grown on it – which will result in food shortages and starvation for generations to come. Depleted uranium shells will affect the land for 100 years. Once the breadbasket of the world, Ukraine will become a desert. There will be no future whatsoever for the country Biden and Starmer claim to be helping but which they are using as a weapon against Russia. The idiots waving Ukraine flags are part of their evil conspiracy.
Tory Prime Minister Sunak moved us to the edge of a full-scale nuclear war.
And now Biden and other leaders (cheered on from the sidelines by Boris Johnson) seem desperate to rush us into a war which I don’t believe any voters really want.
When the war with Russia goes totally nuclear, billions will die. I suspect that those vaccinated with the toxic covid-19 jab, already damaged and with weakened immune systems, will be most vulnerable.
None of this is by accident.
I think it’s what they want.
Biden and company are deliberately leading us into a nuclear war and the first thing most people will know about it will be when they wake up dead.
As the man with the placard warned: The End is Nigh.
Meanwhile, here’s a tip.
Keep an eye on where Biden, Starmer, Trudeau, his royal hypocrite Charles (who isn’t my king), Macron and the rest are hanging out. When they all decide it’s time to take a trip to some remote part of the world, or maybe a nice cruise on a yacht, you’ll know that the end is very nigh. Move out of big cities, stock up on food and stay close to your loved ones.
It’s all very simple. Unless you’re a billionaire or a member of the WEF, they want you dead.
About the Author
Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc practised medicine for ten years. He has been a full-time professional author for over 30 years. He is a novelist and campaigning writer and has written many non-fiction books. He has written over 100 books which have been translated into 22 languages. On his website, HERE, there are hundreds of articles which are free to read.
There are no ads, no fees and no requests for donations on Dr. Coleman’s website or videos. He pays for everything through book sales. If you want to help finance his work, please just buy a book – there are over 100 books by Vernon Coleman in print on Amazon.
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