Bill Seeks to Muzzle Doctors Who Tell the Truth About COVID

One of the most stunning parts of this pandemic has been the denial of basic science, and one of the most shocking developments from that has been the attack on medical doctors who try to set the record straight. As reported by Dr. Jay Bhattacharya — professor of health policy at Stanford, research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and coauthor of the Great Barrington Declaration, which calls for focused protection of the most vulnerable — a California bill is now threatening to strip doctors of their medical licenses if they express medical views that the state does not agree with.
Bhattacharya's Personal Battle
Bhattacharya has first-hand experience with this kind of witch hunt. He was one of the first to investigate the prevalence of COVID-19 in 2020, and found that by April, the infection was already too prevalent for lockdowns to have any possibility of stopping the spread. Bhattacharya has called the COVID-19 lockdowns the “biggest public health mistake ever made,” stressing that the harms caused have been “absolutely catastrophically devastating,” especially for children and the working class, worldwide. After Bhattacharya co-sponsored the Great Barrington Declaration, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and his former boss, now retired National Institutes of Health (NIH) director Francis Collins, colluded behind the scenes to quash the declaration from day 1. To that end, they set out to smear and destroy the reputations of Bhattacharya and the other coauthors of the declaration. In one email, Collins referred to the three highly credentialed and respected scientists as “fringe epidemiologists” and called for a press “takedown” of the trio. I detailed this treachery in “ Authors of Barrington Declaration Speak Out .”
“Big tech outlets like Facebook and Google followed suit, suppressing ourideas, falsely deeming them ‘misinformation,'”
Bhattacharya writes.
“I started12345678910
getting calls from reporters asking me why I wanted to ‘let the virus rip,' when Ihad proposed nothing of the sort. I was the target of racist attacks and deaththreats.Despite the false, defamatory and sometimes frightening attacks, we stoodfirm. And today many of our positions have been amply vindicated. Yet the soulsearching this episode should have caused among public health oficials haslargely failed to occur. Instead, the lesson seems to be: Dissent at your ownrisk.I do not practice medicine — I am a professor specializing in epidemiology andhealth policy at Stanford Medical School. But many friends who do practicehave told me how they have censored their thoughts about COVID lockdowns,vaccines, and recommended treatment to avoid the mob ...This forced scientific groupthink — and the fear and self-censorship theyproduce — are bad enough. So far, though, the risk has been social andreputational. Now it could become literally career-ending.”
Do You Want Your Doctor To Be Muzzled by the State?
California Assembly Bill 2098 — introduced by Assemblyman Evan Low, a Silicon Valley Democrat, and coauthored by Assembly members Aguiar-Curry, Akilah Weber and Wicks, and Sens. Pan and Wiener — designates “the dissemination or promotion of misinformation or disinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, or ‘COVID-19,' as unprofessional conduct” warranting “disciplinary action” that could result in the loss of their medical license.
This bill represents a chilling interference with thepractice of medicine. The bill itself is full ofmisinformation and a demonstration of what a11
disaster it would be to have the legislature dictate thepractice of medicine. ~ Dr. Jay Bhattacharya
Misinformation or disinformation related to SARS-CoV-2 includes “false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks of the virus, its prevention and treatment; and the development, safety, and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.” But as far as what might constitute “misinformation” or “disinformation” is unclear and basically left open for interpretation — by the state. As noted by Bhattacharya:
“Doctors, fearing loss of their livelihoods, will need to hew closely to thegovernment line on COVID science and policy, even if that line does not trackthe scientific evidence.After all, until recently, top government science bureaucrats like Dr. Fauciclaimed that the idea that COVID came from a Wuhan laboratory was aconspiracy theory, rather than a valid hypothesis that should be open todiscussion. The government's track record on discerning COVID truths is poor.The bill claims that the spread of misinformation by physicians about theCOVID vaccines ‘has weakened public confidence and placed lives at seriousrisk.' But how significant is this problem in reality? Over 83% of Californiansover the age of 50 are fully vaccinated (including the booster) ...What is abundantly clear is that this bill represents a chilling interference withthe practice of medicine. The bill itself is full of misinformation and ademonstration of what a disaster it would be to have the legislature dictate thepractice of medicine.”
The Shanghai Model
We don't have to guess at what life might look like if this and other bills like it are implemented, Bhattacharya warns. The drama currently playing out in Shanghai offers a
12clear look into what can happen when public health is dictated by the state rather than by qualified medical professionals rooted in sound science.
“Shanghai is the model for the terrifying dangers of giving dictatorial powers topublic health oficials,”
Bhattacharya writes.
“The harrowing situationunfolding there is a testament to the folly of a virus containment strategy thatrelies on lockdown.For two weeks, the Chinese government has locked nearly 25 million people intheir homes, forcibly separated children from their parents, killed family pets,and limited access to food and life-saving medical care — all to no avail. COVIDcases are still rising, yet the delusion of suppressing COVID persists.In America, many of our oficials still have not abandoned their delusions aboutCOVID and the exercise of power this crisis has allowed. As the Shanghaidebacle demonstrates, of all the many terrible consequences of our publichealth response to COVID, the stifiing of dissenting scientific viewpoints by thestate might be the most dangerous.”
The Science Deniers Are in Power
As stressed by Bhattacharya, the California bill includes a number falsehoods and fails to acknowledge basic science, starting with natural immunity. High-quality studies have repeatedly shown that natural immunity is equivalent or superior to the COVID shots. Were this bill to pass, a California doctor could lose his license for taking a patient's COVID history into account when recommending the shot. It also negates doctors' ability to prescribe off-label drugs for the treatment of COVID, even though this has been a common and uncontroversial medical practice for many decades. It's not uncommon for a drug intended for one condition to be used off-label for another. But for some reason, when it comes to COVID, this practice is now deemed hazardous and unprofessional.
13The bill also falsely asserts that the “safety and eficacy of COVID vaccines have been confirmed through evaluation by the federal Food and Drug Administration.” Anyone who has followed this circus over the past year realizes that the FDA has completely ignored loud and clear warning bells showing the shots are far from safe and nowhere near as effective as initially claimed. The bill also ignores the fact that the safety depends on the individual patient's medical history and current state of health. “For example, there is an elevated risk of myocarditis in young men taking the vaccine, especially with the booster,” Bhattacharya notes. Doctors have an ethical obligation to treat each patient as an individual, and to ensure each patient receives the safest and best care. Bill 2098 will turn doctors into government agents, leaving no one to advocate for patients' health.
“The false medical consensus enforced by AB 2098 will lead doctors to censorthemselves to avoid government sanction. And it will be their patients, aboveall, who will be harmed by their silence,”
Bhattacharya warns.
Californians, Vote NO on COVID Tyranny Bills
California Bill 2098 isn't the only bill seeking to enshrine tyranny into law. Other pending California bills include: Senate Bill 1390 , introduced by Sen. Pan, which seeks to criminalize “amplification of harmful content” on social media platforms. Assembly Bill 1797 , introduced by Assembly member Weber, which calls for the creation of a centralized vaccination registry. Senate Bill 1464 , introduced by Pan, which would strip state funding from any law enforcement agency that “publicly announces that they will not follow, or adopts a policy stating that they will not follow, a public health order.”
1415161718Those funds would instead be reallocated to the county public health department. Essentially, this bill would coerce sheriffs and police oficers to violate their conscience or the law, or both, in the name of “public health policy.” Senate Bill 871 , introduced by Pan, which would mandate all school children, ages 5 and older, be “fully vaccinated” against COVID-19. The bill would also repeal exceptions to mandatory hepatitis B vaccination to attend school, and would remove the personal belief exemption against vaccination. Senate Bill 866 , introduced by Wiener and Pan, which would authorize minors, 12 years and older, to consent to vaccines without the consent of a parent or guardian. Senate Bill 1479 , introduced by Pan, which would expand “contagious, infectious, or communicable disease testing and other public health mitigation efforts to include prekindergarten, onsite after school programs, and child care centers,” and require each school district, county ofice of education, and charter school to create a COVID-19 testing plan, and report testing data to State Department of Public Health. If you live in California, please review these bills and VOTE NO. In a Substack article, Margaret Anna Alice, offers the following guidance to Californians:
“If you are a resident of California, please consider taking the additional step ofcontacting your respective senators and assembly members in addition tofilling out the online portal. See Californians for Medical Freedom for step-by-step instructions on how to contact your local legislators as well as what to sayif you decide to call (which is recommended).The PERK website is also a very helpful way to track the hearing dates andstatus of these bills. In the comments, Donald Tipon has provided additionallinks for opposing AB2098 and AB1797 from A Voice for Choice Advocacy.”19202122
Front Groups Marshal the Ignorant
Regulating the medical views a doctor can and cannot have is dangerous in the extreme, and hopefully the Californians who are left to vote in that state will quash such efforts. On the national level, we must also stay vigilant against similar legislative proposals, and push back against phony front groups that promote this kind of medical tyranny. This includes the No License for Disinformation (NLFD) group, which promotes the false information disseminated by the dark-money group known as the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) . As most now know, U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., a medical doctor in his own right, has been the primary challenger of Fauci's lies, and the NLFD has been instructing individuals to report him to the Kentucky Medical Board, with the aim of getting his medical license revoked. Just who are the NLFD? In November 2021, I wrote about the NLFD, pointing out that the bottom of their website declared, “Created & Developed by EverydayAmericanJoe.” At the time, I took a screenshot of it, in case they'd wise up and change it. Good thing, because that notice has since been deleted. And, no wonder, because it leads right back to the Biden White House. EverydayAmericanJoe, created by a marketing strategist named Chris Gilroy, was a website dedicated to supporting Joe Biden's presidential campaign. (That website has since been disabled. ) According to his LinkedIn profile, Gilroy created — “the largest Biden-Harris grassroots website online” — as a freelance senior marketing consultant and designer for the Biden campaign. Since 2007, he's been the president of
232425262728The Microtechs LLC, an online marketing, web development and digital advertising firm that produces custom websites and apps “that our clients can manage themselves.” Aside from the EverydayAmericanJoe clue, there's no indication of who is actually running the NLFD. It simply claims to be a “nonpartisan grassroots coalition of Americans” whose goal it is to get state medical boards to “protect the public” from medical professionals “who spread medical disinformation.” In all likelihood, the NLFD is run by a coalition of one — Gilroy himself — who is far from nonpartisan. Not surprisingly, the NLFD has promoted and relied on the CCDH's fabricated “Disinformation Dozen” report, which has even been denounced as biased and fiawed in the extreme by Facebook. It's quite clear that the CCDH exists to fabricate “evidence” that is then used to destroy the opposition in order to control the information, and the NLFD uses the CCDH's fabrications as justification to suppress First Amendment rights. Indeed, Biden himself has publicly promoted and relied on this dark money CCDH report. The point of all this is that the censorship is being authorized and directed from the very highest level of our government, and there's only one reason for that. Democracy fiourishes under free speech and dies under censorship, and anyone who claims differently has an ulterior motive for trying to confuse these simple truths. In my view, the war against “misinformation” and “disinformation” is nothing less than a covert war against the citizens of planet Earth. It's an attempt to seize power by controlling what people can know, and a number of high-profile world leaders, past and present, have shown their true colors. Among them, former president Obama, who in April 2022 gave lectures at the University of Chicago and Stanford, arguing for the regulation of information — what people can and cannot view on social media and elsewhere — “to protect democracy.” However, as noted by nonresident senior fellow of the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI), Mark Jamison, “Such controls have done the opposite
29303132throughout history and would this time too.”
An Open War on the Public
We find ourselves in a situation where asking valid questions about public health measures are equated to acts of domestic terrorism. It's unbelievable, yet here we are. Over the past two years, the rhetoric used against those who question the sanity of using unscientific pandemic countermeasures, such as face masks and lockdowns, or share data showing that COVID-19 gene therapies are really bad public health policy, has become increasingly violent. Dr. Peter Hotez, a virologist who for years has been at the forefront of promoting vaccines of all kinds, for example, has publicly called for cyberwarfare assaults on American citizens who disagree with oficial COVID narratives, and this vile rhetoric was published in the prestigious science journal Nature, of all places. Doctors and nurses are now facing the untenable position of having to choose between doing right by their patients and toeing the line of totalitarianism. This simply cannot go on. It's profoundly unhealthy and dangerous in a multitude of ways. While frustrating and intimidating, we must all be relentless in our pursuit and sharing of the truth, and we must relentlessly demand our elected representatives stand up for freedom of speech and other Constitutional rights, including, and especially, the rights of medical doctors to express their medical opinions.
Read the full article at the original website