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Cancer Survivor Refuses To Support Cancer Charities – See Why

Chris Wark had stage 3 Colon cancer, he refused chemotherapy and treated himself with a vegan diet.

Cancer Survivor Refuses To Support Cancer Charities – See Why

We often hear about alternative methods and treatments for cancer, but rarely are they promoted and many people don’t even know about them. In the video below, Chris brings up a number of important points to consider with regards to cancer charities. I myself have always been confused when in comes to raising money for cancer. I believe we need to put more emphasis on the cause and focus on rectifying that. I am confused because there are limitless examples of cancer cures using a multitude of methods.

There are even many examples of cure suppression and poor ethics. Findings like Dichloroacetate, where researchers at the University of Alberta discovered shrunk tumors. This is is one of treatments that is not given any attention due to the lack of profit associated with using the treatment.

There are dozens of medical studies that prove Cannabis can be an affective treatment and cure for cancer. A large body of evidence also outlines the tremendous amount of cancer fighting foods like Garlic, raw fruits, veggies and more. It’s astonishing how these confirmed findings are not incorporated or emphasized in cancer treatment at all. We simply learn to believe what we’ve been taught, without ever expanding our knowledge beyond what is generally accepted. Regardless, those who participate in raising money for cancer charities do have their heart in the correct place. Here is what Chris has to say about it. I would love to hear your opinions about it in the comment section, so feel free to share! Source: .

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