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Contrary to predictions, last month the Sun was the most active it has been since 2001

Contrary to predictions, last month the Sun was the most active it has been since 2001

Fluctuations in solar activity affect our climate more than anything else does.  And this year, the Sun has been more active than scientists anticipated.

The current solar cycle is expected to peak within the next 12 months but the number of sunspots has been increasing at an exponential rate over the past couple of months and in August the average number of sunspots was the highest since 2001, double what scientists were projecting.

The recent surge in solar activity may result in intense solar flares and geomagnetic storms. The heightened solar activity has also contributed to record-breaking global heat this summer and increased seismic activity, particularly in California.

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The Sun Is Doing Something That It Is Not Supposed To Do, And That Could Mean Big Trouble In The Months Ahead

By Michael Snyder

The giant ball of fire that our planet revolves around has been far more active than scientists originally anticipated this year, and that could have very serious implications for all of us in the months ahead. 

Fluctuations in solar activity affect our climate more than anything else does, and we also tend to see more earthquakes when solar activity is at elevated levels.  The current solar cycle is supposed to reach a peak at some point during the next 12 months, but so far there are no signs that solar activity is slowing down.  In fact, the average number of sunspots that we witnessed last month was the highest that we have seen since 2001:

This wasn’t supposed to happen.

Scientists were originally projecting that we would see about half as many sunspots during the month of August:

The number of sunspots has been increasing at an exponential rate for the past couple of months.  Hopefully, we will get a reprieve here in September.  Because if we don’t, we could see more severe geomagnetic storms like we did in May:

When a very large geomagnetic storm occurs, it can disrupt our lives in countless ways.  Back in May, even farm equipment was dramatically affected:

Of course, if our planet is hit by a large enough storm, it could fry power grids, take down the Internet, and cause massive societal problems all over the world.  Hopefully, such a scenario will not play out any time soon.

All of the solar activity that we have been witnessing is also the primary reason why there has been so much intense heat this summer:

Much more importantly, there tends to be a lot of seismic activity when solar activity is very high, and that is precisely what has been occurring.  In particular, a lot of experts are quite alarmed about all of the shaking that we have seen in California lately:

Within the past 7 days, there have been more than 900 earthquakes in California and Nevada.  As I discussed the other day, I am extremely concerned about the instability that we have been witnessing on the West Coast.  This is something that I will be watching very, very closely during the months to come.  In my brand-new book, I explain why I believe that we have entered a time when we will see historic earthquakes of absolutely epic proportions.

Of course, it isn’t just the US that will be affected.  There has also been a lot of shaking south of the border lately too.

On 6 September, a gigantic crack in the Earth that suddenly opened up actually swallowed four cows:

It is not normal for a crack in the Earth that is 3 kilometres long to appear out of nowhere.

When will people finally start to wake up?  Our planet is becoming increasingly unstable, and this should deeply alarm all of us.

Meanwhile, the skies above our heads are becoming increasingly active as well.  For example, a giant space rock that is “approximately the size of two football fields” will come flying by our planet on 15 September:

The good news is that this particular giant space rock is definitely going to miss us.  In the future, we may not be so fortunate.

So much is happening in the skies above our heads but most of the population is not paying attention.

Unfortunately, it is just a matter of time before major events start to happen that none of us will be able to ignore.

About the Author

Michael Snyder’s new book entitled ‘Chaos’ is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. He has also written seven other books that are available on Amazon including ‘End Times’, ‘7 Year Apocalypse’, ‘Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America’, ‘The Beginning Of The End’, and ‘Living A Life That Really Matters’. 

When you purchase any of Michael’s books you help to support the work that he is doing.  You can also get his articles by email as soon as he publishes them by subscribing to his Substack newsletter.  Michael has published thousands of articles on ‘The Economic Collapse Blog’, ‘End Of The American Dream’ and ‘The Most Important News’, and he always freely and happily allows others to republish those articles on their own websites. 

These are such troubled times, and people need hope.  John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  If you have not already done so, we strongly urge you to invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior today.

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