Dopaminergic Hypothesis of ADHD Could be Completely False
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is defined as a problem with inattentiveness, over-activity, impulsivity, or a combination of all.
Symptoms include failing to give close attention to detail or making careless mistakes in school work, difficulty keeping attention during tasks or play, not listening when spoken to directly, difficulty following through with instruction, easily distracted and difficulty staying in one place. All of these ‘symptoms’ are perfectly normal given the environment we have created around ourselves. ADHD is considered to be the most common neuropsychiatric disorder of childhood with a rate of 7-9 percent. Many published articles in ‘credible’ scientific and medical journals have released information connecting ADHD to a dopamine deficit in the brain. Can we really trust this medical research? The same families and corporations that fund the American Medical Association (AMA) and it’s research are directly linked to the pharmaceutical industry. A multi-trillion dollar incentive to distort information and persuade professional perception through academia has always existed.
The dopaminergic hypothesis of ADHD is just a theory. We take it so seriously despite very weak evidence that supports it. It suggests that there is a dopamine deficit in the brain of the diagnosed child or adult. It is a well known fact within the medical community that genetic, neurochemical, pharmacological and imaging data are very weak and hold little credence when determining chemical deficits in the brain. Unfortunately the dopamine deficit theory of ADHD is so strong that there is no funding available to study other possibilities. We understand very little about our brains, humanity can be easily persuaded by what is considered to be ‘credible’ literature. Often, the ones developing the literature are aware of their clever tactics of persuasion. Dopamine is a chemical that plays a major role in the brain system that is responsible for reward driven learning. Lets take on the dopaminergic hypothesis of ADHD and examine it closer, let’s assume the hypothesis holds true. Cocaine, other drugs, and even nondrug addictions such as RUNNING make the pleasure-giving neurotransmitter dopamine more active in the brain. Dopamine is called the reward transmitter, because when we accomplish something—run a race and win—our brain triggers its release. Though exhausted, we get a surge of energy, exciting pleasure, and confidence and even raise our hands and run a victory lap.
The losers, on the other hand, who get no such dopamine surge, immediately run out of energy, collapse at the finish line, and feel awful about themselves. By hijacking ourdopamine system, addictive substances give us pleasure without our having to work for it – Dr Norman Doige, Neuroplasticity Expert Neuroplasticity Article Click Here If reward, the feeling of accomplishment, and ‘feeling’ good both trigger dopamine release, we have to pay attention to the environment that surrounds human beings. If the environment is not stimulating enough, if it is not challenging and provides no feeling of accomplishment then there will be no dopamine release. It’s not the dopamine release that triggers emotions and feelings within somebody, it’s the feelings and emotion that make up a human beings perception that operate how our brains work and the chemical flows within them. Yes, a non physical ‘organ’ is sending messages and signals to the heart, which in turn influences how our brains work as-well. Research is beginning to show how the heart plays an extraordinary role in our lives far beyond what is commonly known.
The heart has a system of neurons that have both short term and long term memory, and their signals sent to the brain can effect our emotional experiences. Any child who spends 18 years in a school setting 6 hours a day might have this problem, our education does not push creativity and imagination but rather obedience and feelings of boredom. Even if the dopaminergetic hypothesis of ADHD does exist, it has nothing to do with our brains and the lack of activity within them, it has to do with our emotions, feelings and perception of the environment around us. Medical Associations and Pharmaceutical companies have no reason to medicate, even if they say a deficit exists, the environment the child finds themselves in must be questioned or altered. Medication is not needed and has little to no benefit. ADHD is a label that has been classified under the definition of neuropsychiatric disorder which in turn manipulates the consciousness of the population by giving their minds justification for medication. We have been misled, medication and labels like ADHD are used to make individuals who do not fit within the system conform and be more obedient. Check out our feelings on education and medical labels from a clip taken from our first documentary, the collective evolution part 1: Sources: .
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