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Dr Vernon Coleman: “The Great Reset is frighteningly close to the terrible conclusion we’ve been dreading”

Dr Vernon Coleman: “The Great Reset is frighteningly close to the terrible conclusion we’ve been dreading”

The Great Reset is no longer just a nightmare for us, and an aspiration in the toxic minds of a bunch of the most evil conspirators ever known.

It is now frighteningly close to the scary conclusion we’ve all been dreading. We are already living within an oppressive, restrictive faux-communist society based on digital control and progressing rapidly towards a complete lack of individuality and freedom.

Everything that has been happening during the last two years – the Covid fraud, the net zero fraud, the sanctions against Russia, the transgender controversy – is part of the plan leading the world into the biggest recession since the 1930s.

The New World Order is already here. We’re living in it. And things are going to get far, far worse during the coming months…

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