Dutch Financial Whistleblower Admits He Was Forced To Sacrifice Children At Elite Parties
Whistleblowers and victims have been coming forward for decades trying to expose the elite and their use of occult rituals to gain power, commonly referred to as “black magic.”

From sexual abuse by different power circles such as the Vatican to secret men’s clubs like the one held annually at Bohemian Grove in California to Satanic rituals, it’s clear that there must be some truth to these stories.
The latest whistleblower to make headlines is Ronald Bernard, a Dutch entrepreneur whose experience in the financial world and impressive contact list quickly pulled him into the world of the financial elite. In an interview with De Vrije Media, Bernard explains some of the darkest secrets within these societies, which even includes rituals performed with human sacrifices. Though Bernard’s background in the finance industry is definitely real, it’s important to note that there’s no way to actually verify his story. However, this isn’t the first time the elite has been accused of using occult, Satanic, and sexual rituals, so it certainly merits further investigation.
These claims are disheartening and astonishing, and as human beings, we naturally don’t want to believe that any of us would be capable of such dark, violent acts. Nevertheless, it’s for that very reason that stories like these deserve to be explored. “I was warned off when I got into this – don’t do this unless you can put your conscience 100% in the freezer. I heard myself laugh at it back then, but it wasn’t a joke at all,” Bernard explained. “I was training to become a psychopath and I failed.” Bernard started by explaining how he and a group of colleagues, or financial terrorists, crashed the Italian economy.
The economic downturn ultimately resulted in a number of suicides and so much destruction, which the financial elite actually celebrated with Bernard. His interview continues: One of my colleagues said, “Ronald, you remember that case with the Italian lira? Do you remember those deals in which we did massive dumping of the lira, which reduced the value of the currency, which caused a company in Italy to be hit in such a way that they went bankrupt?” And then you hear at the exchange: “Do you remember that successful deal with the lira?” And then they say: “Do you know that the owner committed suicide and left a family behind?” And back then we laughed at it. Ha ha ha, altogether, all of us. We looked down on people, mocked them. It was just a product, waste, everything was worthless trash. Nature, the planet, everything could burn and break. Just useless parasites. As long as we met our goals, as long as we were growing. Of course, this was only the beginning of the deception involved with the financial elite in Europe, and Bernard hadn’t even come close to experiencing the worst of it. What came next was his introduction to Satanism, a practice that the elite allegedly use through rituals to gain more power: To put it carefully, most people followed a not very mainstream religion.
These people, most of them, were Luciferians. And then you can say, religion is a fairy tale, God doesn’t exist, none of that is real. Well for these people it is truth and reality, and they served something immaterial which they called Lucifer. And I also was in contact with those circles, only I laughed at it because to me they were just clients. So I went to places called Churches of Satan. So I visited these places and they were doing their Holy Mass with naked women and liquor and stuff. And it just amused me. I didn’t believe in any of this stuff and was far from convinced any of this was real. In my opinion, the darkness and evil is within the people themselves. I didn’t make the connection yet. So I was a guest in those circles and it amused me greatly to see all those naked women and the other things. It was the good life. But then at some moment, which is why I am telling you this, I was invited to participate in sacrifices abroad.
The next part of the interview deals with who exactly the elite were sacrificing, and unfortunately, Bernard expressed that they used children as the human sacrifices.
The concept of sacrifices was explained very well during an Alex Jones interview with Sean Stone, director, screen writer, actor, and son of the infamous Oliver Stone: If they want to control the Middle East, or the music industry they have to make a sacrifice to these “demons.” Whether it’s children or soldiers at war, they always respond to signs and symbols, for example the pyramid shape, the five sided star, the six sided star, they congregate around these signs. This is why major corporate symbols are full of “Illuminati” symbols. That’s why when you wear those clothes, or buy those products, you are giving power to that entity, you are giving energy to it, you are giving it power over you. (source) Bernard continued to explain the sacrifices and where he drew the line, stating, “That was the breaking point. Children.” “You were asked to do that?” asks the interviewer. “Yes, and I couldn’t do that,” Bernard explains. “And then I started to slowly break down. I lived through quite a lot as a child myself and this really touched me deeply. Everything changed. But that is the world I found myself in. And then I started to refuse assignments within my job. I could no longer do it. Which made me a threat.” In the interview, Bernard addresses the fact that it’s not just in Europe that these rituals are performed, but rather all over the world and by the highest members of the elite class. “If you Google this you will find there are enough worldwide witness accounts to prove this is not a Walt Disney fairytale. Unfortunately, the truth is worldwide they have been doing this for thousands of years. I once studied theology and even in the Bible you find references to these practices with Israelites.” Though the entire interview is very sobering and informative, the ending is perhaps the most eye-opening: Humanity is a manifestation of light, that is the true creation. As long as you divide them on political parties, skin color, you name it, then you – from a Luciferian point of view – suppress the full capacities of your enemy, their full power.
They can’t stand up for themselves because if they did the Luciferians would lose. This monster, this greedy monster would disappear. Regardless of what you think about the interview and the elite’s relationship to Satanism, this last statement is definitely filled with truth.
The very core of our being was manifested from Light. Yes, we live in a dualistic world and we are all trying to find balance between our own darkness and light; however, our inner souls are Light beings. In addition, the elite have been manipulating the right and left sides of politics for years in order to increase separatism and division within society. If we’re focusing on how much we hate one another, we’ll be too distracted to even understand the gravity of the situation here and how much the elite control us. This started by creating a radical right wing, fuelling racism and the desire for war. But now, the global elite have slowly been planting seeds in the left wing, like billionaire George Soros, who helped create the Black Lives Movement in the U.S. in order to capitalize on separatism and fear.
The left, which used to be defined by more progressive views and staunch equality, has slowly shifted toward imperialism and globalization.
The left has slowly become more supportive of military force and “soft” power, allowing the big banks and the elite to gain more control over societies.
They’ve convinced society that it’s socially acceptable to literally fight for equality, increasing violence, and separatism. As Bernard expressed, if we focus on our differences rather than on the elite, we’ll never be able to defeat them. You can watch the full video of Ronald Bernard’s interview here: If you want more information you can visit the International Tribunal For Natural Justice, where he and many others have also given interviews. Of course, it’s important to remain skeptical when you come across information like this, and it’s perfectly natural to do so. If this is true, it would shatter the belief systems of the masses, breaking us free from society’s chains and the elite’s veil of control over us. Yes, it’s hard to digest, because as human beings we don’t want to believe that we’re capable of such violent and dark acts. We are ultimately loving creatures and many of us don’t want to see one another hurting, which makes this type of information difficult for people to even imagine. However, this isn’t the first time the elite have been tied to Satanism, all in the name of power and pushing forward the New World Order. Again, I’m not saying that all of this is fact, but there’s certainly an overwhelming amount of witnesses and whistleblowers who have exposed the same or very similar information. Former sports reporter and Green Party spokesman David Icke, now well-known for his work on Reptilians, alternative news, and conspiracy theories, is one of these people hoping to expose the elite’s ties to Satanism. “At one level we see the dark-suits sitting at the big round table making the decisions, then at the next we have the secret societies, and then we go beyond the frequency of visible light. . . . Satanism is a network that interacts with the beings that are controlling our vibrational state from a frequency above us,” Icke explains during his arena tour. “They follow a religion that dates back to the beginning of civilization.” Many secret societies take part in and worship this pocket of consciousness, that most call Satanism, in which they perform esoteric rituals that entail ceremonial chanting, gratuitous sexual activities, and even blood sacrifice. Icke alludes to this in his seminar correlating the globalist cult to the chain of missing children and underground world of sex trafficking, and he even claims that the Catholic church is a big player in all of this. This isn’t necessarily surprising given the Vatican’s long history with sexual abuse and pedophilia, which has cost them $4 billion. You can read more about David Icke in our CE article here. For a more in-depth look at these sacrifices, check out this short Alex Jones video that actually shows a ritual being performed at the Bohemian Grove.
There are longer videos by Alex Jones exploring the Bohemian Grove in greater detail, including more footage of it, but this short clip is an excellent introduction. If you’re reading this and experiencing difficulty processing it, know that that’s completely natural. We are compassionate beings, and to learn that these violent acts are not only taking place, but they’re being performed by the highest members of society, can be disheartening. However, you can play an integral role in putting an end to this by educating people on these subjects.
They’re often brushed off as conspiracy theories by society, largely because the CIA created this label in order to attack the official narrative. For that reason, I understand that they’re difficult to discuss or even think about, but it’s through education, awareness, and raising consciousness that we can create positive change and put an end to corruption. .
Read the full article at the original website
- http://www.volkskrant.nl/economie/van-burger-tot-bankier-is-geen-fluitje-van-een-cent~a4449137/
- http://thefreethoughtproject.com/banker-i-was-told-to-sacrifice-children-at-a-party-for-the-elite/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiQSpbvhc08
- https://www.itnj.org/
- http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-02-23/1967-he-cia-created-phrase-conspiracy-theorists-and-ways-attack-anyone-who-challenge