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“Empty Hospitals, Overstaffed, Not Treating Patients” – NHS Whistleblower confirms you’ve been lied to

An NHS Doctor turned whistleblower has come forward to tell the truth about what is happening in hospitals.

“Empty Hospitals, Overstaffed, Not Treating Patients” – NHS Whistleblower confirms you’ve been lied to

They’re empty, overstaffed and have hardly any patients.

Dr “John” also shards stories of people too scared to go to hospital for fear of catching the virus, and an elderly woman left sitting in her own faeces after a lack of treatment following a hip replacement operation.

‘Denty and Shaz‘ run through the whistleblowing NHS Doctors eye opening revelations in the video below…

ou can find more great videos from ‘Denty and Shaz‘ via their Twitter page here.

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