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Euthanasia to murder the disabled, the sick, the old and the unhappy

It’s difficult to open a newspaper or news website these days without finding an article promoting the joys of death.

Euthanasia to murder the disabled, the sick, the old and the unhappy

Euthanasia (aka “doctor-assisted suicide”) is as fashionable today as prettily patterned face masks were a few years ago.

The myths about killing yourself are promoted with enthusiasm by celebrities, journalists and politicians.

But the truth is very different.

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By Dr. Vernon Coleman

It’s difficult to open a newspaper or news website these days without finding an article promoting the joys of death. Euthanasia (aka “doctor-assisted suicide”) is as fashionable today as prettily patterned face masks were a few years ago. There is a huge campaign in the UK to force Parliament to have a vote on changing the law to make euthanasia legal. And similar campaigns exist everywhere in the world where euthanasia isn’t allowed.

The myths are promoted with enthusiasm by celebrities, journalists and politicians. Killing yourself is, they claim, the only responsible thing to do if you have a disease which is affecting your mental or physical health. Killing yourself will spare you pain, spare your relatives’ pain, free up health services and help save the planet.

But the other side of the argument is never aired.

And the truth is very different.

Euthanasia is an essential part of the Great Reset (and the task of reducing the size of the global population so beloved by the conspirators). And it’s all about saving money and helping take us into “Net Zero.”

As Dr. Jack King shows in his important book `They Want To Kill Us – Here’s How and Why’ euthanasia isn’t efficient and pain-free. Things frequently go wrong – leaving patients and relatives deeply distressed. Euthanasia is, however, a cheap way to avoid spending money on palliative care. Hospices are already suffering funding shortages as they work hard to force us into accepting “doctor-assisted suicide” as the only option.

In countries where euthanasia is legal (and because it is part of the plan to take us into the Great Reset, euthanasia is, of course, a global phenomenon) death doctors and their assistants are “helping” people kill themselves because they are poor, disabled, elderly or merely unhappy and dissatisfied with their lives. Even children are allowed to kill themselves if they are feeling unhappy. Please read that again. Euthanasia is being used as a legal excuse to kill the poor, the disabled and the unhappy. The evidence in Dr. King’s book will startle and horrify you.

Euthanasia is an essential part of the plan to kill as many of us as possible. It has nothing to do with good medical care. No decent doctor should have anything to do with it. Doctors are supposed to save people – not to kill them.

I have bought and sent out armfuls of Jack King’s book but I need help. I am blocked from all mainstream media and all internet news and social media sites.

Please read `They Want to Kill Us’ and buy copies of the paperback to give to friends, relatives and neighbours. It would be a great idea to send off copies to your MP and your favourite newspaper and radio and television stations. If we lose the fight against euthanasia then doctors will be legally allowed to “kill” you and your relatives if you show signs of physical and mental illness. They will even be allowed to kill the poor and the unemployed. Please read Jack King’s book if you find this difficult to believe. Euthanasia isn’t being introduced to help the sick and the dying – it is being introduced to help reduce the population and the cost of medical care. Euthanasia is an essential part of the plan to take us through “Net Zero” into the Great Reset.

(And don’t worry that Dr. King is making a fortune out of his book. Both he and I try to keep the prices of our books as low as possible and for the time being the price of the paperback edition of `They want to kill us’ is set at £3.22 – a figure which, I am told, gives Dr. King a royalty of exactly 0.00 pence.)

The pro-euthanasia campaign is well-funded and organised. The truth, however, is only available through Dr. King’s book.

If you know anyone who is ill, disabled, poor or young then this is a battle you must help fight for their sake – if not for your own.

Time is running out. And once the politicians introduce euthanasia they never reverse their decision.

You can buy copies of `They want to kill us’ by Dr. Jack King by CLICKING HERE.

About the Author

Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc practised medicine for ten years. He has been a full-time professional author for over 30 years. He is a novelist and campaigning writer and has written many non-fiction books.  He has written over 100 books which have been translated into 22 languages. On his website,,  there are hundreds of articles which are free to read.

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