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FACT CHECK: No Evidence to Support Mainstream Media Claim of “Hottest Day on Earth for 125k Years”; It’s Propaganda

FACT CHECK: No Evidence to Support Mainstream Media Claim of “Hottest Day on Earth for 125k Years”; It’s Propaganda

Recently, a claim has circulated across major news outlets stating that “today was the hottest day on Earth for 125,000 years back when Neanderthals were roaming the planet.”

Is this statement accurate? We’ve looked into the science behind this claim to bring you the facts.

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Today was the hottest day on Earth for 125,000 years, a time when Neanderthals were roaming the planet.

Fact Check:

False. Based on our current understanding and capabilities, this specific claim goes beyond what scientists can confirm with available evidence and technology.

The Science Behind the Claim:

The field of palaeoclimatology, which studies past climates, uses various methods to estimate temperature trends over Earth’s history.

Common methods include studying ice cores, sediment cores, tree rings, and coral reefs. These offer a wealth of information about past climates and can give us a good idea of temperature trends over thousands to millions of years.

However, these methods have limitations.

Most importantly for this fact check, they cannot provide the resolution to distinguish daily temperatures, particularly when going back 125,000 years.

The resolution of these proxies is typically on the scale of years to decades or even longer, depending on the specific proxy and period.

The Verdict:

The claim that “today was the hottest day on Earth for 125,000 years back when Neanderthals were roaming the planet” is not accurate based on our current scientific capabilities and understanding. Paleoclimate proxies are unable to provide day-by-day temperature data over such extended periods.

The Conclusion:

In summary, the claim that “today was the hottest day on Earth for 125,000 years” is not accurate, and is in fact propaganda designed to scare the public and condition them into supporting dystopian policies in the name of “climate change” the ongoing trend of global warming is undeniable and is a critical issue that demands our attention and action.

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