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Farmers in Europe are protesting because they are being destroyed

Farmers in Europe are protesting because they are being destroyed

Farmers have taken to the streets en masse in several places in Europe.  To ensure MPs hadn’t lost touch with the people and public sentiment, Caroline van der Plas told the Dutch House of Representatives why the massive protests were happening.

Caroline van der Plas is the founder and party leader of the Farmer Citizen Movement (Boer Burger Beweging or “BBB”) and a Member of the Dutch Parliament (“MP”).

Yesterday, she posted a video of a speech she made during an agriculture budget debate.At its core, this is why farmers are protesting – they are being destroyed,” she tweeted.

Van der Plas’ speech is in Dutch, but independent media outlet Nieuw Rechts has published a write-up which we have reproduced below, adding a video of a farmer’s speech at the end.

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The following is an article ‘Why are farmers protesting en masse? Van der Plas explains’ published by Nieuw Rechts.  We have used an online translator to translate the article from Dutch to English.

Farmers are not only stirring in the Netherlands, in recent weeks farmers have taken to the streets en masse in several places in Europe. But what exactly is the reason?

BBB leader Caroline van der Plas explains the issue to the rest of the House of Representatives. According to her, it is obvious what motivates the farmers.

At its core, farmers are being “destroyed,” according to the BBB politician during the budget debate for agriculture. New Social Contract (“NSC”) MP Harm Holman thought that Van der Plas used rather big words, but according to Van der Plas her choice of words is more than justified.

The stigmatisation of farmers continues unabated, Van der Plas notes:

In addition to the stigmatisation, farmers are also saddled with the consequences of political decision-making:

On Thursday, Dutch political commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek posted a video of a Dutch farmer giving a speech:  “We are done talking. We’re done with these fake problems created by you politicians. You are trying to destroy farmers all over Europe, but just like the farmers in Brussels today, we will fight back!”

Featured image: Rijkswaterstaat: postpone travel to Belgium due to blockades at border crossings, De Telegraaf, 2 February 2024

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