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Free Leadership into the Future Webinar

I wanted to share this FREE webinar that is coming up on Jan 15th 2013.

Free Leadership into the Future Webinar

With a lot of changes coming to our world and the way business will be operating over the next little while, this webinar may be beneficial to those who are looking for some ideas or advice on how to consciously go about making choices as they relate to business. Below is the information for the webinar. Evoloshen, in partnership with AIESEC Stockholm, would like to invite you to an Exclusive FREE Webinar Hosted by Karin Volo Author and Co-Founder/ Director and Chief Joy Bringer of Evoloshen Global Trends Finding Your Purpose and Positioning Leadership in the 21st Century Thursday January 15th 16:00 GMT / 11:00 EST / 8:00 PST To reserve your set check out the following link .

Read the full article at the original website


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