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Hidden Viral Gene Discovered in GMO Crops

Another reason for you to avoid health depleting genetically modified organisms is here.A recent discovery of a hidden viral gene deep within genetically modified crops has us asking more questions.

Hidden Viral Gene Discovered in GMO Crops

. Despite numerous studies, experts and scientists speaking out about the dangers of GMOs to human health, the United States government, and other major manipulating organizations like the council on foreign relations continue to support and promote GMOs. European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) researchers have discovered a previously unknown viral gene that is known as “Gene VI.” (1) It’s found in most prominent GMO crops, and can disrupt the biological functions within living organisms. What do you expect? Genetically Modified Organisms contain a number of cell altering chemicals, that’s what chemicals do. Don’t forget about the chemicals used to spray the crops as well. Certain corn crops were found to contain the gene that creates physical mutation within the body. Roundup-Ready soybeans were also found to contain the gene. Don’t forget about NK603, which was recently linked to the development of mass tumors in rats. (2) This Gene helps to assemble virus particles that inhibit the natural defense of the cellular system and produces proteins that are harmful. The most common genetic regulatory sequence in commercial GMOs also encodes a significant fragment of this viral gene. The presence of this “hidden” gene is likely to result in unintended phenotypic changes (DNA mutations.) Of the 86 different transgenic events (unique insertions of foreign DNA) commercialized and mass marketed today, 54 in the United States contain some of the harmful Gene V1 within them. Gene VI was also discovered to be an inhibitor of RNA silencing, which is a mechanism for the control of gene expression. It’s important for antiviral defense in both animals and plants. Because of this discovery, scientists are concerned that Gene V1 will lead to aberrant gene expression in GMO crop plants, with unknown consequences.

The hidden gene will also interfere with the ability of plants to defend themselves against viral pathogens. Although naysayers may be highly skeptical of this information, it’s not hard to believe. Multinational food and biotech organizations have more authority than the government itself. Not to long ago, the Monsanto Protection Act was signed.

The Monsanto Protection Act allows Monsanto to override United States federal courts on the issue of planting experimental genetically engineered crops all across the US.

The government has no power whatsoever to stop Monsanto and other biotechnology corporations from planting and harvesting. After Obama signed H.R. 933, the provision was final, there can be no litigation against these corporations at all. Corrupt food corporations are now allowed to plant and sell their genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and genetically engineered (GE) seeds. It wasn’t long ago that Monsanto rejected multiple studies on GMO crop risk. We are seeing the power of the fact that multinational corporations own the government. You can read more about this here.

There is no justifiable reason for the consumption of GMOs.

The days in which the human race accepts the explanations given to it by it’s governing authorities that control the food, health, energy and financial industries are numbered, we are waking up and sharing information. Alternative media outlets are becoming more popular by the day. A good way to determine the truth of something is to look at a variety of sources, not just one! Dentists for example, they are trained to only study one source of information, and it’s anything that comes from their respective dental associations, like the American Dental Association.

The same can be said for doctors, who only examine the material given to them by their medical associations, without further investigation.

The time for critical thinking and inquiry is here. Thanks for reading, much love. Sources: (1) (2) (2) .

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