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How To Talk To Your Friends & Family Without Sounding Crazy

If you think outside the box at all, or follow an unconventional path, you’ve definitely been through this.

How To Talk To Your Friends & Family Without Sounding Crazy

You try to share your ideas or information with your friends and family and they think you’re crazy. Sometimes, it’s not your fault, but other times your presentation or how you go about it gave them more than enough reason to think that. So here’s how to adjust that! The video below will go into detail about the main reasons why the way we talk to our friends and family about things is causing them to look at us funny. Once you develop yourself out of these habits a bit, you’ll see very different results when you speak up. Remember, this isn’t so you can convince people better, it simply makes you an honest, open communicator. It doesn’t help the overall progression or movement of new ideas forward when we are intense or aggressive about them. In a sense, it can hold many things back. 1. Know Why You Are Talking About It Are you sharing things because you want to prove something to another? Is it about winning an argument or showing someone you know more than them? Don’t let your ego get involved in this. Simply share because you feel inspired to. 2. Don’t Tale Any Responses Personally If people disagree with you or “attack you,” don’t take it personally. I mean, if you peeved them off, that’s one thing, but if you are sharing from your heart or are talking passionately about something and someone fights you on it, don’t get the ego engaged and fight back. Let it go, it usually isn’t about you. Again, you’re not trying to convince, just share information. 3. Stay Calm Collected People have come at me aggressively many times but when you stay calm, it diffuses the whole situation.

The same can be said for how you talk about something, if you are getting angry, loud and emotional about it, it’s likely going to flare up some interesting responses from people. So reflect, keep your peace and stay calm about what you are saying. It’s a lot more powerful that way. You can be passionate without getting intense. 4. Be Well Researched Educated Know your stuff. If you are passing things off as fact yet can’t back it up or explain yourself, it’s not going to go over well. Know as much as you can so you can be taken more seriously. If you don’t know it all, which is totally fine, state that, be open about it. Encourage people to check more into it and even do it together if you can. It’s really all about avoiding pretending you know a lot when you don’t. People can see and feel it. 5. Don’t See Yourself As Different Avoid seeing yourself as different and better than anyone. It’s not about being awake or asleep, it’s simply about constantly learning and expanding our journey’s here. When you see someone as a problem or someone who needs help waking up, you see them as different from you and a lot of time the ego begins to judge. This will change a lot about your demeanor. 6. Don’t Be Afraid to Express Yourself Sometimes it can be tough to say things we are thinking because we feel we might be judged. Don’t be afraid to be yourself. A lot more people are open to things than you think but they won’t ever talk about it until someone else does. Use the tips above and you’ll be surprised how many people you can speak openly and passionately about who would love to share in those conversatio.

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