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Huge Water Reserve Discovered in Kenya

Water comes out of a pipe in Lotikipi.

Huge Water Reserve Discovered in Kenya

Photo: ITV News A huge discovery of water has been uncovered in Kenya that can supply water to the country for about 70 years! This is a joyous find for the local people as they generally don’t have access to clean water very easily. This is a great example of what some technological assistance and love for others can do for people in need. It’s also clear that if more wealthy countries took the time, we could assist everyone in need on this planet with the means we have available to us as of this moment. Hopefully this inspires further action! According to ITV News “The pool, which was found more than 300 metres underground, is so large you could put Loch Ness into it approximately 25 times.” An aquifer is an underground layer of water-bearing material such as gravel, sand and silt. Using a well, water can be extracted from the materials and used for multiple purposes. Technically speaking, newly discovered Lotikipi Basin Aquifer should never run dry as the well is replenished by water run off from distant mountains. We now have a tool that could not only help Kenya, but it could help other countries facing the issues of water scarcity. – Abou Amani, Unesco Lotikipi in numbers courtesy of ITV News In the case of this discovery, it was funding from Japan that made it all possible.

The work was done with a company called UNESCO who located the water using satellite, radar and geological technology.

The well discovery will soon be announced officially to the Kenyan people and details about how the government plans to utilize the resource will also be discussed. UNESCO has plans to continuing exploring new water sources across Africa in countries such as South Sudan, Ethiopia and Kenya. This is an inspiring story, especially with water being such a vital element to life that should be made available to everyone. It is somewhat saddening to learn that it took this long before action was taken to really make this happen, but then again times are changing and humanity is opening up. This is a sign towards a positive future. To view a video about the discovery, please visit the link in the source below. Source: .

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