Is The Universe A Living Organism? (Documentary)
The Living Universe - a documentary about consciousness and reality explores the idea of a conscious, living universe.

These are the view of the universe as a great mind, moving into the view of the universe as a great machine. Today there are signs that the modern mind is moving towards an organismic view of the universe, apprehended as an evolving, self-generating, and ultimately living process.” (Video below) Today, our understanding of quantum mechanics is furthering our knowledge about how consciousness interacts with physical material reality, and perhaps how we as individuals as well as a collective are constantly interacting with the universe. Is the universe a living organism? Does consciousness and life on our plant and perhaps others all participate in ‘co-creating’ the universe? Perhaps these are, for now, unanswerable questions, but it’s definitely mind-altering to explore, because from what we know now, most likely, the universe is a living organism. In fact, based on my research into quantum mechanics, parapsychology, neurobiology and consciousness, which are all intertwined, there is no doubt a connection between the universe, and all of it’s material and non material properties with the consciousness of everything in it. In fact, I believe all matter possess some factors of consciousness, and I do not believe that a physical biological being is only capable of possessing some type of conscious. This topic is deep and connects to many others. In the film below, researcher Adrian David Nelson dives deeper. Nelson runs a very interesting page called Origins of Consciousness and also has a very informative YouTube Channel. Nelson is an independent researcher, academic and has also worked at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, an organization that is a world leader with regards to the study of such phenomenon discussed in the documentary below. If you’d like to support his work. you can visit his Patreon page. In the meantime, enjoy the documentary below. Discover how Conscious Breathing can improve your life in just 10 days through our guided conscious breathing challenge! Get access to daily videos, guided meditations, and community support to master conscious breathing basics. Release stress, activate heart coherence, improve digestion, sleep better and more! Sign Up For The Chall.
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