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Japan Rejects Import Of U.S. Wheat: Polluted With GMOs

Japan recently cancelled a contract to purchase U.S.wheat due to the fact that it is riddled with GMOs, and Japan wants nothing to do with that..

Japan Rejects Import Of U.S. Wheat: Polluted With GMOs

The USDA has now admitted that Monsanto’s GMO experiments were held in open wheat fields. As a result the GMO wheat found its way into commercial wheat fields in approximately 16 states, most notably in Oregon. This was the cause of self-replicating genetic pollution that now has its grip on the entire wheat industry. Japan is not the only concerned country.

The cancellation by Japan, a major Asian importer, has raised concerns all across Asia. Other major importers like South Korea, China and the Philippines said that they were closely monitoring the situation. Few countries allow the import of GMOs, and Asian consumers are very sensitive and aware of the potential dangers to human health. We will refrain from buying western white and feed wheat effective today – Toru Hisadome, Japanese farm ministry official in charge of wheat trading We’re now living in an age where Monsanto is essentially ejaculating its patented seed across all the farms of America, then claiming to “own” the contaminated crops. What a wonderful image of corporate responsibility and service to humankind. I can’t wait to see what other U.S. crops will be rejected by world nations due to Monsanto’s genetic pollution(1). Asia imports more than 40 million tonnes of wheat per year, and the bulk of it comes from the United States! It’s funny, because there is no U.S. approved test kit to identify genetically engineered wheat, maybe it’s time to implement one and maybe the United States shouldn’t be the ones doing it. A number of countries all over the world have banned Genetically Modified Organisms. A number of European countries, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Brazil, Thailand and many more have all assessed the obvious dangers to human health that are associated with GMOs. Not to long ago, scientists discovered that the Bt toxins found in Monsanto’s crops damage red blood cells. You can read more about that here. Monsanto’s roundup was also recently linked to Autism, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, you can read more about that here. Obama also signed “The Monsanto Protection Act,” if you didn’t know you can read more about that here. Shortly after that, congress rejected a bill that would have required all states to label GMOs, you can read more about that one here.

There are so many connections to be made, not just looking at studies and doing the research on the science behind GMOs, but also looking at ownership. Why are the same multinational food corporations, medical and pharmaceutical corporations all owned by the same financial institutions? One example (out of many) that I like to use is Fidelity Investments, or the State Street Corporation.

They are the major shareholders of Monsanto (and other biotech corporations) and Pfizer (and other pharmaceutical corporations). Things just don’t make much sense in today’s world, and more people around the world can see through it. After all, apocalypse does mean transparency, and it seems that is what is happening for those who choose to see it. Sources: (1) .

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