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Joining the Psychedelic Renaissance

If this article has found you, then you have likely experienced the profound nature of psychedelics and plant medicine.

Joining the Psychedelic Renaissance
We can make this happen, as we are living in the midst of the Psychedelic Renaissance! Whether our psychedelic experiences have involved dancing at a festival on LSD, hiking in the woods on psilocybin mushrooms, or partaking in an ayahuasca ceremony, we have likely experienced an “awakening,” an “interconnectedness,” and the knowledge that love is truly the answer. If only we could share with everyone our expanded consciousness. Regardless of our excitement, we know everyone is not ready to hear about our mystical experiences, let alone feel the power of psychedelics. As such, we must approach this topic with care, or we risk scaring people away.

These are exciting yet fragile times for our psychedelic plant medicine companions. According to Dr. Ben Sessa, author of The Psychedelic Renaissance, one of the major challenges of the current psychedelic movement is the need for “dissemination of the positive ideas to the doubting public.” Thus, staying grounded is essential, as we have a role to play as leaders, participants, and guardians of the Psychedelic Renaissance.

The following are some quick tips for sharing experiences and opening others to the potential of psychedelics (without creating fear). Be authentic, but also be relatable. When engaging someone on the topic of psychedelics, be sensitive to what they are ready to receive. Be mindful of timing, setting, word choice, and how much you reveal. Don’t push too hard. Journaling helps develop raw thoughts into a meaningful story. Dedicate a portion of your journal for creating metaphors and analogies that elucidate your psychedelic insights; this helps you prepare for sharing your experiences. Also, you can track your dose and begin to understand your own relationship with these powerful substances even more. By living consciously, as evidenced through our words and deeds, others may notice the changes in us, and may seek to understand these changes. For example, someone may approach us and say: “I’ve noticed that you smile more and seem more content ... will you tell me more?” Be willing to share your experiences with honest vulnerability. We are more likely to influence others when we are well-informed. It is good to learn some psychedelic history and culture, and to follow developments in the field.

The Psychedelic Renaissance is an exciting documentary project that is currently in production.

The film’s mission is to “destigmatize psychedelic use by presenting personal and professional accounts of beneficial use” and “to make a clear call for their [psychedelics’] responsible therapeutic use, for personal growth and collective healing.” Visit their website to learn more and get involved. We are more likely to be successful when we unite as a community. Find a way to connect with others in the psychedelic space for sharing experiences and mutual support. Is there a psychedelic society, meetup group, or integration support group in your local area? If not, create one! Also, consider hosting a Psychedelic Dinner to gather your community and support organizations that do psychedelic advocacy and research. Access to psychedelics is a sacred privilege, and with privilege comes responsibility. Continue to do your own consciousness work and share your experiences. We psychedelic practitioners must be the bridge between the current human condition and the awakened state. We are, after all, the artisans of the Psychedelic Renaissance. .

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