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Joint NGO Statement: In Solidarity with Political Dissidents and Human Rights Defenders in Saudi Arabia

We, the undersigned human rights organizations, stand in solidarity with all victims of Saudi authorities’ deepening repression of political dissidents and human rights defenders.

Joint NGO Statement: In Solidarity with Political Dissidents and Human Rights Defenders in Saudi Arabia

In recent years, Saudi authorities’ ongoing crackdown on dissenting voices has only increased in scope and scale. Human rights activists, writers, academics, and intellectual reformers in Saudi Arabia are increasingly targeted and subjected to harassment, smear campaigns, surveillance, arbitrary detention, torture, and enforced disappearances. Saudi authorities should immediately end any abusive practices. Accountability efforts are also critical to achieving justice for victims. In December 2021, a new complaint on Saudi Arabia’s crimes against humanity was submitted before Belgium’s federal prosecutor, under the principle of universal jurisdiction. While in June 2022 the Belgian federal prosecutor requested that the Brussels court of appeal dismiss the case, the court will make the final decision on whether to order the opening of an investigation following a hearing on January 24, 2023. We support victims of repression in Saudi Arabia in their efforts to pursue different accountability avenues. Signatories:.

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