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Julian Assange Has Been Subjected To Torture & Violations Of Due Process Rights – UN
A team on behalf of the UN has determined that Julian Assange has been subjected to psychological torture and has not received due process.Corporate media is ignoring the story completely.
Why are we not hearing the truth about one of humanity's most important and prolific whistleblowers? Is it because what he reveals hurts the global elite? Melzer presented his findings at the New York headquarters of the UN yesterday, and yet virtually no one in media showed as only a handful of reporters were there to hear the update about one of the most prolific whistleblowers in human history. Worthy to reflect on a possible media gag order that’s for sure. “We came to the conclusion that he had been exposed to psychological torture for a prolonged period of time. That’s a medical assessment.” – Nils Melzer Melzer has tried in the past to call attention to what’s happening to Assange. He wrote an opinion piece in June, yet it was also ignored or rejected by mainstream media outlets. As we often say here at CE, why is the public only ever informed on things that benefit the government or globalist agendas? “We asked for all the involved states to investigate this case and to alleviate the pressure that has been done on him, and especially to respect his due process rights, which in my view have been systematically violated in all these jurisdictions.” – Nils Melzer Assange has stayed in prison at Belmarsh passed his September 22, 2019 release date as a judge felt it was necessary to keep him until his February 2020 US extradition hearing takes place. If charged in the US, Assange faces 175 years in prison – for doing the right thing and exposing the crimes of the elite. Why it matters: Assange has never broken any laws or done anything that caused harm to anyone. This hasn’t exactly been the mainstream narrative however, as the media and politicians have tried to oust Assange for his exposures of government, elite and globalists around the world. This is important because both media and politicians’ coverage of Assange’s story reveal the attempts to distract people from what information he has brought forth and what implications it has on society. Point blank, Assange’s WikiLeaks has revealed enough to the public about the wrongdoings of their government that there should be no faith in government, yet in a society that is largely shaped by public opinion, and when media controls public opinion, these secrets stay safe, even when they become public.
The conscious takeaway: Why are there truly such great efforts to silence someone who exposes the wrongdoings of the elite? Why should we not know about these things? This story links greatly to step 1 of the CE Protocol called Breaking The Illusion. We have to begin to realize that our world does not function the way media and politicians claim they do, and when whistleblowers like Assange come forward showing us that evidently, we must pay attention and not fall back into the manipulation of the media, calling Assange a terrorist or threat to national security.
These are simply cover stories. You can learn more about the protocol here, it’s how we structure all of our CE news and video content on CETV. Why should we wholeheartedly take part in a system and process where we are being manipulated to not see the truth? Do we truly want to stay unconscious in this way? Is it going to lead to a world where we can thrive? This all starts with breaking that illusion and realizing something has to change. From there, the rest of the protocol continues, but turning a blind eye to stories like this only furthers the suffering humanity is experiencing. Due to the pressure of mass censorship, we now have our own censorship-free, and ad-free on demand streaming network! It is the world's first and only conscious media network streaming mind-expanding interviews, news broadcasts, and conscious shows. Click here to start a FREE 7-Day Trial and watch 100's of hours of conscious media videos, that you won't see anyw.