Kenyan Region Gets Clean Water After Years of Drought Thanks To A Solar-Powered Saltwater Plant
A non profit called GivePower in Kiunga, Kenya, has installed a solar powered water filtration system that is bringing clean drinking water to more than 35,000 people in the region.

The solutions exist and are there, that’s never been the problem, the problem seems to be the systems we engage with everyday, human ego, and governmental red tape bureaucracy. Our ‘leaders’ talk a good talk, but are they really concerned about the well being of everybody on the planet? Are they truly even able to lead people to prosperity given the limiting systems we live in? Why do we live on a planet that is abundant in solutions, yet lacks so much when it comes to actual implementation? Why are we made to believe there is a problem of ‘scarcity’ when clearly this isn’t true.
These are important questions to ask if we want to move forward together as a species. With all that being said, there are many good things happening around the world as well, and people are doing what they need to do to help bring clean drinking water to those who need it.
The latest example comes from town called Kiunga, located in Kenya, Africa. For the past five years, this region has been suffering from extreme droughts, wiping out their already dirty, contaminated and dangerous water supply.
These conditions caused those in the region to resort to using dirty well-water and saltwater from the Indian Ocean. But recently, that all changed thanks to a new solar-powered desalination plant.
The solar water farm that’s been installed now produces enough clean drinking water for more than 35,000 people every single day, and the water is very clean! According to the Good News Network: The desalination farm is just the latest project launched by GivePower, an international nonprofit dedicated to using renewable energy as a means of bringing water, food, and energy to the places that need it most. In addition to successfully launching the solar water farm, the foundation has also brought renewable energy to over 2,500 schools in 17 countries, thus benefiting more than 300,000 people. Following the unparalleled success of the water farm in Kiunga, the group now plans on building similar facilities in other drought-prone areas such as Colombia and Haiti. GivePower is a global foundation that provides solar energy technology to deliver clean water, food and light to those who need it most. GivePower has brought clean, renewable energy to over 2,500 schools in 17 countries and impacted the lives of more than 300,000 people. GivePower has begun deploying solar microgrid water farms in regions of Africa. Compared to most traditional water wells, one GivePower solar water farm produces a higher quality of water over a longer period of time — powered by renewable energy, and delivered in an economically sustainable, and affordable, manner. Why is this not a priority for world leaders to distribute to all in our world? A worthy reflection. Due to the pressure of mass censorship, we now have our own censorship-free, and ad-free on demand streaming network! It is the world's first and only conscious media network streaming mind-expanding interviews, news broadcasts, and conscious shows. Click here to start a FREE 7-Day Trial and watch 100's of hours of conscious media videos, that you won't see anyw.
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