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May Fundraising Campaign – We Urgently Need Your Help…

May Fundraising Campaign – We Urgently Need Your Help…

April Fundraising Campaign Progress

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We can’t believe how much support you have shown us since we started to report the facts that the mainstream refuse to. We do it for you and you alone.

The Daily Expose was set up due to a lack of alternatives to the lying mainstream media, which report only the facts. Other alternative media sites are happy to publish articles backed up with zero or questionable evidence. Whereas the mainstream media simply refuse to publish the truth or publish half-truths, spun in a way to suit the narrative of the very authorities which are funding them through advertising fees for publishing propaganda.

We want to increase our daily exposés and bring you more of the facts that the mainstream refuse to – but to do this we need your help. We rely solely on your support to grow and fund our investigative reports. We’re continuing our April Fundraising Campaign (where you helped us reach 60% of our target) into May – in the hope that you, our readers, can help us to reach 100% of our target and support us in our mission to report the facts that the mainstream refuse to.

Every month by paying your TV license you are donating £13.33 to the BBC who spread propaganda on behalf of the authorities, and lies. Why not donate that to ‘The Daily Expose’ instead who are committed to bringing you the facts that the mainstream refuse to. You can donate today via PayPal or if you hate PayPal you can just donate by card. No matter how large or small your donation, every one will help us to bring you more of the facts that the mainstream refuse to.

Why you should trust us…

  • The No.1 reason you should trust ‘The Daily Expose’ is that all our investigations are based on official data such as the Office for National Statistics, the NHS, and the UK Government, and we link back to all our sources within every article.
  • We aren’t paid by authorities to advertise propaganda on their behalf, instead we are fully funded by you, our readers, via voluntary support, which means we are only accountable to you.
  • We are only interested in bringing you the facts, especially the ones that the mainstream refuse to.

Who we are…

The Daily Expose is run by extremely ordinary, hardworking people who are sick and tired of the fear-mongering, lies and propaganda perpetuated by the mainstream media. We felt it was our duty to bring you the facts that the mainstream refuse to, and now here we are.

We believe our work speaks for itself, and we hope you do too.

Our mission

Our aim is to bring you, honest, trustworthy and reliable journalism. We do it for you, and you alone.

If you’d like to support us in our mission to keep bringing you the facts the mainstream refuse to then you can do so via PayPalCard Payment, or via cryptocurrency.

Some of the descendants of Nazis in positions of power today

ESG – A Potent Force for Evil

France stops covid injections for all but the “most vulnerable” in the population

Read the full article at the original website


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