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Moon Magic: Leo Full Moon

Full Moons are a time of culmination and completion of cycles that call our attention to turn inward and reflect on what is no longer serving our growth and development.

Moon Magic: Leo Full Moon

This bold Leo full moon on February 16th is asking us to let go of self-doubt, and instead step into our power and creative potential! Now is our time to move courageously from our heart, and lead with community. Together we can harness the power of the heart and mind! The Leo full moon is of course opposing the sun in Aquarius, pushing us to bridge the gap between our head and our heart. Aquarius rules intelligence, connecting with the community, and partaking in projects that support our hopes and dreams for the future. When Leo and Aquarius come together we experience a tug of war between the ‘individual’ and the ‘collective’. Leo wants to move from the heart and express their creative talents which sets them apart from others. Aquarius wants to use its unique ideas to connect with other like-minded people and create something for the betterment of society. Aquarius is all about the bigger vision. Together, these two planets are encouraging us to courageously step forward in our willpower and connect with others for a higher purpose; that is the power of the heart and mind. Questions we can begin to ask ourselves during this intense moon energy are: What natural talents have I been afraid to show the world? Where have I been doubting my power and potential? What am I bringing to the collective? How am I assisting in the betterment of society? What skills and talents do I have that could benefit humanity? We still have major planets resting in the sign of Capricorn, as well as Saturn- Aquarius’ natural ruler, still in the sign of Aquarius. Now is the time to develop structure, discipline, and a persistent work ethic towards our dreams! Leo’s colors are yellow/gold or white. Leo rules the heart, solar plexus; strength and willpower, and crown chakra; awareness and knowing. Some crystals to work with are Tigers Eye, Carnelian, and Peridot. Cacao is a beautiful heart opener to work with during this time. Join us Sunday, February 13th for a yin-based Full Moon Flow, here in The Alchemist Kitchen’s virtual space. Leo rules the heart, so we will focus on opening and expanding our heart space for our yin flow. “When we move from our heart we open ourselves up to the community.” For our meditation component, we will incorporate vocal sound vibration along with breathwork and a visualization meditation to bring better clarity and grounding to our hearts and minds. I will also conclude the class with a reflective prompt, so be sure to bring your journals, crystals, and candles as well. Happy Full Moon – Looking forward to seeing you all in class! Sade believes in optimum self-love and care and continues to explore these ideas through holistic healing, creative expression, and astrology. As a Yoga and Meditation teacher her goal is to guide students back to themselves; where they can cultivate a deeper connection to their mind, body, and spirit. Her vinyasa classes encourage students to discover new depths and opportunities to grow physically and spiritually. She enjoys challenging students to reach beyond their self-limiting beliefs and reach their highest potential. All levels are welcome..

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