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More “sudden heart attacks” …with a “climate change” twist

Anyone following the news cycle since the Covid “vaccines” rolled out has seen a simply remarkable uptick in the number of things that can reportedly cause sudden strokes or heart attacks.

More “sudden heart attacks” …with a “climate change” twist

We have tagged this article as as it imposes a serious spin on the topic.
If not more explanation provided, this article is included as propaganda because it shows clear manufacture from a government controlled dialectic, where a topic is misdirected by some actors in order to mislead people during early stages of a narrative.

Cold weather, hot weather, depression, various food, long covid AND short covid, new magical chemicals just found in the atmosphere, “post-pandemic stress disorder”, undiagnosed aortic stenosis and expensive electricity.

That’s not even an exhaustive list, it just goes on and on and on.

…and now we can add pollution to the rogues gallery, according to this piece from Science Alert, which headlines:

Tiny Particles in The Air May Trigger Sudden Heart Attacks, Study Suggests

On a similar theme, the Daily Mail headlined yesterday:

America’s growing wildfire crisis could lead to a wave of heart attacks, lung disease and cancer diagnoses years down the line, scientists warn

Now, we don’t need to break down these articles piece by piece, it’s perfectly apparent what’s happening here.

The Covid vaccines are either causing more heart attacks, or the people in charge are aware they might, and are prepping fall-back stories accordingly.

We predicted that would be an ongoing story this year back in January, and they haven’t disappointed.

The new wrinkle here is working pollution and wildfires into the narrative, and associating heart attack risk with environmentalism and climate change.

This provides fuel for the metamorphosis of “climate change” from an environmental issue into a public health issue, allowing them to talk about it the same way they talk about “Covid”, and perhaps treat it the same way too (climate lockdowns etc.)

This is classic narrative braiding, the practice of intertwining two separate propaganda narratives together so they reinforce each other.

I coined the term, just this moment, but it’s the perfect metaphor.

It’s beautifully efficient, really. The vaccine-associated heart attacks provide evidence that “climate change” is a public health problem, while “climate change” can be used to conceal the vaccine-associated heart attacks.

Covering up something they caused with something they invented, and propping up something they invented with something they caused.

Clever in theory, but rather transparent in practice.


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