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Multiple Religions Worshiping Under The Same Roof… Wait, What?!

The internationally unique House of Religions opened its doors on Sunday, where eight religious communities are going to live together under one roof.

Multiple Religions Worshiping Under The Same Roof… Wait, What?!

It is the first of its kind in this world, but hopefully not the last. This is the type of religious tolerance the world needs right now. Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists now call this church home and the faiths celebrated on Sunday with thousands of visitors moving into a newly built glass building in the Europe Square in the west of Bern, Switzerland. In a study on the development of the western districts of Bern, citizens demanded action against the marginalization of cultural and religious minorities in 1998. “We were dreamers, utopians, do-gooders, ” said Guido Albisetti, president of the association. According to the operators, the architecture of the building allows various communities to seek contact with each other, while also having their own respectful sacred space. With religious tension rising around the world, it’s nice to see some uplifting examples of love and compassion towards other faiths. Granted, this “temple” does look like a glorified shopping mall from the exterior, but on the inside you can see the unique charm each religion brings to the world. Visiting this church to pray to your god, inevitability makes you realize and acknowledge the god’s and worshipping practices of our brothers and sisters around the world. It may not be everything we hoped for, but it’s a definite start towards a more harmonious future.

These are the first baby steps towards religious tolerance and it’s breath of fresh air, given the surrounding atmosphere of religious hate. I hope this story inspires more people to see the world religions as separate paths that ultimately lead to the same as unity. Let us know what you think in the comments below. Would you like something like this in your town? .

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